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4/4/2022 - 4/10/2022

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Weekly Announcements


Vickery Beer Pong Tournament/Day Party

When: Saturday April 16th 1:00pm @ Vickery Athletics

Where: At Vickery Athletics

What: A single elimination bracket style male/female partner beer pong tournament. We will have loser bracket as well as other games to occupy the commoners.

Who: Right now, only Vickery Members can participate in the tournament. Pairs have to be male/female. No entry fee. Prize for first place. Entries capped at 16 Teams as of now.

How: Read the website link below and sign up your team at same link.

2) Sunday Specialty Class Schedule Changed for April

April 10th: Skills with Stefan (Kipping and Toes 2 Bar)

April 17th: Cancelled for Easter

April 24th: Double Skills with Bill

May 1: Aerobic Conditioning with Brie



A) EMOM x 6min

Min 1: 40sec Hanging/Scap Pullups

Min 2: 40sec Goblet Curtsy Squat


B) EMOM x 10min*

Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups


Every 4min30sec for 5 sets

C1) 7/leg Back Rack Drop Lunge @20x1

C2) 16-20 Alternating Gorilla Row @21X0


D) 11min AMRAP

20 Double Unders

10 Walking Lunges w/ DB

5/arm SA DB Renegade Rows (50/35)



A) Amrap 10min

10 Upper Body Scorpions

10 Faceup Scorpions

5 Burpees


B) Emom x 10min

12-15 Push Ups > Incline on low bar


Every 4min30sec for 5 sets

C1) 10-12 Snatch Grip RDL @31X2

C2) 12-15 Land Mine 1/2 Kneeling Strict Press @2111



A) With a Partner*

4 Sets Each (8 Total)

500/450m Row

*18min Cap


B) Partner Workout

5 Rounds (Each, aka 10 Total)

250/225m Row

Partner holds 2 Kettlebells(53/35 ) in the front rack position

*You may not start rowing until your partner has established the rack position. If your partner drops the KBs before row is complete, you must discontinue rowing until the static hold is reestablished.



A) Every 2min30sec for 3 sets

20 Alternating Tall Plank Shoulder Taps

15 Bent Over Reverse Fly

60sec FLR Hold


Every 6min for 3 sets

B1) 10/arm @20x1 Farmers Press:

B2) 8-10 Weighted Box Dips > Unweighted > 12-15 Bench Dips

B3) 8/8 Mix Grip Pullups*

*Do each side at once. Goal is Unbroken 8, switch, 8. Weight them if you can do it bodyweight.


C) Every 4:30sec for 3 Sets

8 Burpees

8 Right Arm DB Snatch (50/35)

8 Burpees

8 Left Arm DB Snatch (50/35)

8 Burpees



A) 3 Sets

30sec Good Morning Hold

30sec of Bottom Half Airsquat

15-20sec Star Plank R

15-20sec Star Plank L


Every 6min for 5 Sets

10/leg Split Stance DB/KB RDL

15 Unbroken T2b > T2r > Accum 45sec Knee Raise Hang

20-25 UB Wallballs



Groups of 3

35min AMRAP

1200m Row

1200m Run

120 Suitcases

120 Box Jump Step Down



This Sunday April 10th: Skills with Stean (Kipping and Toes 2 Bar)

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

April 17th: CANCELLED - Easter

April 24th: Learning Double Unders w/ Bill

May 1: Aerobic Conditioning with Brie


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