Weekly Announcements
1) Vickery Social Event: THIS WEEKEND! We still have room for 5 teams left.
Vickery Beer Pong Tournament/Day Party
More info at link below! All welcome!
2) Easter Weekend Schedule
Friday April 14th: Normal Classes
Saturday April 15th: Normal Classes
Sunday April 16th: Closed
Monday April 17th: Normal Classes
A) E2mom x 5
5 Burpee Pullups
5/side Db Thruster
AMRAP Plank hold in time remaining
B) EMOM x 20min*
Min 1: Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups
Min 2: 10 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge (53/35)
C) 50-40-30-20-10
Supinated Ring Rows
Two Count Flutter Kicks
A) 3 Rnds in 9min
20 JJ
8 Yoga Burpees
10 Bench Press
B)Every 3min for 5 Sets
10 Bench Press
*Building to a heavy sets that needs a spotter
C) 22min Amrap
7 Hang Power Clean
7 Push Press
R60s Minimum
Every 3:30 x 12sets (42min Total)
Set 1) 500/450m Row
Set 2) 400m Run*
2:20min Cap
(running scale is 33/27 cal AB)
A) 3 Sets 9min
10 Alternating Primal Shoot Throughs
10 Alt Primal Hold Shoulder Taps
15sec Chin Over Bar Isometric Hold
10 Scapular Chin Ups
15sec Bench Dip Stretch
10 Bench Dips
Every 3:30sec for 4 sets
B1) 10-12 Box Dips @2111
B2) 20 Crossbody Curls
C) For Time
50m/side Single side farmers carry
Per arm KB Farmers Hold DB Arnold Press
Per Arm KB Power Clean
A) Every 2min for 4 Sets (8min)
8 KB Split Stance RDL - Rt Leg Forward
6 KB Cossack Squat - Rt Leg
4 KB Elbow Supported Rows Rt Arm
8 KB Split Stance RDL - Lft Leg Forward
6 KB Cossack Squat - Lft Leg
4 KB Elbow Supported Rows Lft Arm
Every 4min for 3 Sets (12min)
B1) 10-12 Heel Elevated Front Squat @ 2020
B2) 10-12 Frog Stance Deadlift @ 2020
Every 6min for 3 Sets (18min)
C1) 10 Gob Hold Cossack Squat @20X0
*Perform all reps on one leg before
switching to the other
C2) 14 Alternating Steps KB Front Rack Box Step Ups
C3) 12/leg Bulg Split Jumps
D) For Time
T2b > T2R > Kipping KR > Suitcases
No Push Up Burpees
Every 4min x 36min:
Station 1: 550/500m Row/Run/Bike
Station 2: 35 Kipping Pullups
Station 3: 40 Push Ups
(Rest in time remaining at station then rotate)
This Sunday April 17th: CANCELLED - Easter
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
April 24th: Learning Double Unders w/ Bill
May 1: Aerobic Conditioning with Brie