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9/26/2022 - 10/2/2022

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Weekly Announcements

1) End of this Program Cycle

New cycle starting Monday 10/3 - Programming Video next week.

2) A Tough Time for the Gym - RIP Helios

As most of you know Helios (the brown boxer for you noobs) died last week due to heart failure.

He was a part of the gym for nearly as long as it open. He was and still is the Heart and Soul of Vickery in my eyes. The whole gym is feeling the loss of Helios, and I wanted to get on here and thank everyone of you who reached out to our family and sent love/support. It truly helped.

Even knowing the outcome for Helios, I would do all 7 years again in a second. Dogs are truly the best thing we have.

Thank you all for being the best community.



A) 3 Sets

3min AMRAP

8/side SA DB PP

8/side SA DB DL

4 Push Up to Down Dog



B) 7 Sets Total of DL

2 Warm Ups Sets of 10 reps

3 Building Sets of 4-6 reps

2 Hvy Working Sets of 2.1.1

. = 10sec reset/rest


C) 10min to Build to 1RM Strict Press


1 Set of Max UB Strict Press with 40% of weight above



A) 20min AMRAP

400m Jog


15 Spanish Squats (wtd if able)

Max Hollow Hold


B) 20min AMRAP

25/20 cal Echo

20 Bench Dips

15 Ring Curls

Max Hangin L-Sit



A) 100m/100m Front Rack Carry

3 Rounds

10/side DB Snatch

10 Burpees

100m/100m Front Rack Carry

3 Rounds

3 Wall Walks

10 Burpees

100m/100m Front Rack Carry 3 Rounds

10 Toes to Bar

10 Burpees



A) Every 4min for 40min

10 Back Squat

10 Pullups

10 Banded Push Ups



3 Sets

A1) 10/arm Farmers Press @20x1


A2) 20 Alternating Supinated DB Curls @30x1



B) 6 Sets (3 each) Alternating w/ a Partner

100m Run

10 Alt KB Gorilla Rows (70/53)

10 Dual KB Sumo DL (70/53)

100m Run


C) 3 RFT

60 Bicycle Crunch

12/side Tricep Kickbacks



30min Partner Amrap

30 Hang Power Snatch (115/85) > Demon Press (50/35)

30 Burpees

30 Pullups > Partner Pull Ups > RR



Oct 2nd: Arms with Stefan

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

Rest of October TBA


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