Weekly Announcements
1) Sign up friend:Get an Immediate Refund.
From now until Nov 1
If you bring a friend/family and they sign up and pay. You get refunded $75 on your last charge.
2) For aches and pains, rehab, prehab and movement help reach out to Jess directly at jessn23@gmail.com
3) Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.
A) 3 Rounds
10 Bent Over Reverse Fly w/ 1sec Pause at Top
10 Close Grip KB Pushups
10/10 Soldier Kicks
B) Bench Press
1x8 Warmup
2x4 Building
1x3 Building
4x3 Working Sets
R2min between working sets
Tempo Bench @31x1
1x10 Warmup
1x8 Building Up
5x8 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w tempo)
C) 50 Reps of each movement - Finish all 50 and then move on to the next one:⠀
Band Pass Throughs⠀
Band Side Touches (R+L=2)⠀
Band Toe Touches⠀
Band X-Ups (R+L=2)⠀
Elbow to Tall Plank (down to up = 1 rep)
*Rest as needed
*20min Cap
A) 10min Warm Up
Players Choice
Run - Row - Ski - AB - Single Unders
B) 5 Rounds
20 Box Jumps
10 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
14min Cap
C) EMOMx 10min
10-12 Push Ups
A) Back Squat
1x8 Warmup
2x4 Building
1x3 Building
4x3 Working Sets
R2min between working sets
Tempo Back Squat
1x10 Warmup
1x8 Building Up
5x8 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w tempo)
B) 20min AMRAP
10 Strict Pullup > 6-8 Negatives > 12 Barbell C2b
30 Anchor Situps
10/Side Bench Supported KB Row
30 Superman to Prisoners
A) 8 Rounds for Quality
200m Run
50m FC
5 Push Press w/ FC wt
50m FC
5 Push Press w/ FC wt
38min Cap
A) 4 Rounds
7 DL
7 Strict Press
*Rest in btwn round as needed
*Start with empty barbell - increase as needed for proper warmup
B) 6 Sets
6 Building Deadlift
8-15 UB T2b/T2r or 45sec Deadbug Hold
Tempo DL or RDL @31x1
6 sets
8 Building DL or RDL @tempo
8-15 UB T2b/T2r or 45sec Deadbug Hold
C) TABATA Abmat Situps (4min total)
*go for highest total number within time
E2MOM x 40min
Min 0-2
10 Thrusters
8 Burpee Over Bar
Min 2-4
200m Run
Sunday Open Gym
11am -1pm
You still have to register for Open gym.