Weekly Announcements
1) Vickery Turns 8 Years Old!
July 19th, 2014 we held our very first official classes. 8 years later we are still here. I want to thank each and every member, current and past, for your support.
Many of y'all reading this have been a part of Vickery for most of its life. Through the days of no air-conditioning/heat, partnership changes, rebranding, renovation, Covid (Aka the twitch streams), and adding new staff/dogs y'all have been there for Vickery offering unconditional support.
Though sarcasm is Vickery's Native Language, I cannot sincerely express enough gratitude to everyone who has made Vickery a home and family.
Thanks as always,
2) The LifeStyle Summer Group Registration is closed.
A) E90sec x 6 Sets (12min)
Set 1: 200/175m Row
Set 2: 10 Barbell Fr Sq
10 Barbell C2b
*50sec cap per set
B) Front Squat (OR Variation)
1x6 Warm Up
1x4 Building
1x3 Building
3x2 Hard Working @2011
C) 10min AMRAP
10 Kipping Pullups
10 Barbell RDL @ 3011
A) 2 Rounds as Group
45sec Primal Hold
15sec Rest
45sec Forearm Plank
15sec Rest
45sec Side Plank L
15sec Rest
45sec Side Plank R
15sec Rest
B) 6 Sets*
3:30min Work
90sec Rest
15/12 Cal Row
20 Primal Shoot Throughs
25 Abmat Sit Ups
10/8 Cal Echo Bike
*pick up where you left off after rest
A)EMOM x 10min
Min 1: 10/arm SA HG BP
Min 2: 40sec of Barbell Hold Windshield Wipers
B) Bench Press
1x6 Warm Up
1x4 Building
1x3 Building
3x2 Hard Working @2011
C) For Time
100 Strict Press (115/85)*
*Every time you move the bar from front Rack in ANYWAY, perform 10 Pronated Ring Rows
A) 10min Amrap w/ Partner
Toes 2 Bar
B) 21min Amrap w/ Partner
6 Power Cleans (155/105)
15 Box Jump (24/20)
30 DU
A) 4 Sets in 13min
20 Light Prone W's
100m 1 KB Front Rack/1 DB Farmers Carry
B) 4 Sets in 13min
15 Barbell Curls
15 OH Barbell Tricep Extension
*do not have to be same weight
C) 13min Amrap
3/side TGU
A) E5min x 7 Sets
Finish in any Order
5 Burpees
10 Pullups > 12 Barbell Pull Ups
15/12 cal Row or 300m Run or 14/111 Echo
25 Air Squats
July 24th: Olympic Lifting Tech and Lift: The Clean w/ Meg
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
July 31st: Gut and Butt Burner w/ Brie