Weekly Announcements
1) Vickery Turns 7 Years Old THIS Weekend!
-In honor of lucky number 7. Saturday classes will be doing a throw back workout from our 3rd Saturday Class EVER and boy its a doozy...
2) Chalk Ban until Friday!
-Despite 7 years of practice, members cant seem to keep it in the bucket. No chalk is allowed in the gym to give our gracious cleaner and savior a break from cleaning up your disaster areas. Feel free to text Zach for more details if you find this "chalk timeout" unfair.
3) The Lifestyle Nutrition Plan Registration is Closed
4) Sunday Specialty Class @ 11am
July 18th: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ John
- A great opportunity for any skill level to get a bit more familiar or brush up on Olympic Lifting Snatch technique.
A) 3 Sets in 10min
10 Right Arm DB/KB OH Reverse Lunge
3 Right Arm TGU
10 Left Arm DB/KB OH Reverse Lunge
3 Left Arm TGU
4 Sets in16min
B1) 10-12/leg Hand Supported Heavy Bulg Split Squat @2011
B2) 30sec Amrap Frog Stance KB/DB Deadlift
C) 8 Rounds
25sec On/20sec Rest
1: Cyclists Air Squat
2: Bottom of Hinge Hold
A) 9min Emom
Min 1: 20sec/side Adductor Side Plank
Min 2: 8-10 Yoga Push Ups
Min 3: 12 DB Flys
B) 5 Rounds
12 BW Bench Press
12 Strict Pullups
12 Box Dips
12/arm Tripod Row
Amrap Band Supported Pushups (non stop movement)
A) 10min Warm Up Amrap
Coach's Choice
B) E2MOM for 20min:
5 Thruster challenging Thrusters from Rack
C) 11min Amrap
30 DU
6/6 Single Arm Db Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)
A) Emom x 18min
Min 1: 35sec Tall Kneeling Hammer Curls
Min 2: 35sec Tall kneeling Kb OH Tricep Ext
Min 3: 35sec Bicycle Crunch
B) 20min Amrap
20 PVC Pipe Jump Overs (24/20)
30 Suitcases
A) 4x15 per side Banded Clamshells
B) 4 sets
12 DB Prone Ext Rotation
4-8 UB Widegrip Pullup > Bbell Pullup
C) 6x5 Building Back Squat
3rd Saturday Workout Ever @ Vickery
(dated Aug 19, 2014)
With a partner for time:
600m Farmer's carry
100 T2B
100 Burpees
30 Wall walks
600m Run
July 18th: Olympic Lifting Technique w/ John
Open Gym Members: Gym still open for yall.
Upcoming Sundays
July 25th: Arm Day w/ Zach
August 1: Movement Therapy w/ Jess