Weekly Announcements
1) Pride Pre Order -Show your Vickery pride and support this month and every month.
- When the order ships I will charge y'all. There might be a delay due to limited supply of crop top and tank tops. But we will see <3
2) New Program Cycle: June 14th - August 22nd
Maintain Strength and Sweat
3) Sunday Skills this Week
11am Movement Therapy w/ Jess Full Body Mobility Taking a look at how it is all connected. Focusing in on the squat and everything tied to it. As well as diving into overhead and pressing mechanics. This will be an hour that will go very quick. Sign up early this week because with our gyms mobility, these spots will go fast.
Upcoming Sundays
June 27- Arm Day Round Two
Jul 4th- Cancelled
A) 5min Amrap
5/arm SA RKBS
5 Windmills (light or no weight)
5 Wide leg reach throughs
4x12 @ 4110
R60sec btwn sets
C) 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10
Russian KBS (70/53)
Goblet Hold Drop Lunge (red plate)
D) 8min of 30on/30off
Score= Total Reps
A) Emom x 15min
Min 1: 40sec Junpin Jax
Min 2: 40sec Prone Shoulder Raise
Min 3: 30sec Barbell Chest To Bar
B) AMRAP in 25min:
5-10 Unbroken C2B Pullups
200m Run
(Rest 2min)
Scale: > 10 Chin Over Bar Pullup > 12 Jumping C2B
A) 3 Rounds
10 Boot Strappers
5 Roll back to Reach Through
10 BBell Front Squats
30sec Bbell Overhead Hold
B) E2MOM for 20min:
5 Challenging Thrusters from Rack
Every 2.5min x 4sets (10min)
C1) 8-10 Seated Db Arnold Press @ 21X1
C2) 20 Seated Lateral Raises
A) Every 4min x 4 sets (16min) Perform...
10/10 Supinated Tripod Rows
20 Leg Lifts
20 Barbell Curls
B) 6 Sets
400m Run
25 Straight Leg Situps
A) Emom x 10min
Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row/ab
Min 2: 40sec Crab Reach Overs
B) 3 Rounds for Quality
10 Banded KB Goblet Sq
10/arm Kb High Pulls
10/side Kb DL
C) 4 Rounds
10 Hang Power Snatch (135/95)
10 Push Up
10 Bench Dips
R 2min
2 RFT or 22min AMRAP:
50 Wallball
40 Superman to Prisoners
30 Reverse Lunge w/ medball
20 Toes to bar > Situps
10 Burpee pullups > Burpee Jumping Pullup from ground > Burpees
June 20th- Movement Therapy w/ Jess
Full Body Mobility
Taking a look at how it is all connected. Focusing in on the squat and everything tied to it. As well as diving into overhead and pressing mechanics. This will be an hour that will go very quick. Sign up early this week because with our gyms mobility, these spots will go fast.
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
June 27- Arm Day Round Two
Jul 4th- Cancelled