Weekly Announcements
1) No announcements this week. Keep on Keeping on. Next social event TBA next week.
A) Emom x 12min
Min 1: 10 Ring Row + 20sec Superman to Prisoners
Min 2: 10 Goblet Sq + 20sec Bottom of Squat Hold
5 sets in 27min
B1) 10/leg Back Rack Drop Lunge @20x1
immediately into..
30sec Plate Hold Wall Sit
B2) 10-12/arm Tripod DB/KB Row @ 2111
C) Emom x 10min
Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups
*Goal is to hold a consistent number across all minutes. Most like you did not progress from last week. Think of last week as a gauge for this week to really push it.
*Go for quality not quantity
A) 7min AMRAP
6 Yoga Down to Up Dog
8 Tall Kneeling Goblet Press
12 Alt Hip to Halo
B) Every 4min 15sec for 5 sets
B1) 10 Incline DB Bench Press @51x1
B2) 12-15 Frog Stance Deadlifts @ 31x1
*Rest as needed in time given
C) 15min AMRAP
10 Push Ups
10 Front Squat (95/65)
10 Push Press (95/65)
A) 40min Alternating AMRAP w/ a Partner*
350/320m Row Repeats
300m Run
*20sec Deadbug in Rest Time
A) Emom x 15min
Min1: 12 Supinated Ring Row
Min 2: 20 KB/DB See Saw Press
Min 3: 50sec Primal Shoulder Taps
B) Every 4min for 5 sets
10 Low Single DB Pushups
10 Supinated DB Curl @3111
20 Wtd Anchor Sit Ups
C) EMOM x 10min
Chin Ups
A) 12min AMRAP
10/leg Kick Stand Squats
10 Bbell RDL
15 Hang Powercleans
Every 4min30sec for 5 sets
B1) 10/side Rear Foot Elevated Bbell Split Split Sq @2111
B2) 10/side DB Snatch
C) 50-40-30-20-10
Abmat Situps
Double Unders
Teams of 3;
p1 - Single arm farmer's walk, 100m
p2 - 25 Air squats
p3 - 10 Burpees
Complete as many rounds in 35 minutes as possible, rotate only when p1 returns with carry implement and p2/3 finish their movement reps
This Sunday April 3rd: Movement Therapy with Jess (Shoulders and neck)
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
April 10th: Skills with Stefan (Kipping and Toes 2 Bar)
April 17th: Arms with Zach
April 24th: Stretching and Mobility with Stefan
May 1: Aerobic Conditioning with Brie