Weekly Announcements
1) Amazing Week One of the Intramural Open Everyone!
Everything about the Intramural Open will be updated on the VA Intramural Page on our website.
-See over all scores on Tuesday
-Submit scores by Monday by end of day
-Review ways to score
-Review Week 2 workouts when they release
-Eventbrite link at Friday at 2pm.
2) Sunday Specialty Class @11am- Arm Day with Zach
One hour of prime time pump.
A) 12min Emom
Min 1: 25sec Knee Raise Hold
Min 2: 8 Yoga Burpees
Min 3: 8/8 per side Crab Reach Overs
Min 4: 12/10 Calorie Row
B) In 15min Push Press @32x1
Warm Up: 10, 7 5
Working: 4,3,3,2
C) 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
21 KBS (53/35)
12 Pullups
15min Time Cap
A) 4min Amrap
10 Airsquat
4 Burpees to squat land
Right into...
4min Amrap
16 Army Crawlers
10 Star Jumps
Right into...
4min Amrap
Accumulate as much time as possible in forearm Plank
B) In 18min Front Squat w/ 10sec Rerack
Warm Up: 8.8, 5.5, 3.3
Working: 2.2, 2.2, 2.2
R~min between working sets
C) 30sec Work On/25sec Rest x 16
Dead Bug Hold
Toes to bar > T2R > K2E > Knee Raise Hold > Straight leg sit ups
Hollow Body Rocks > hollow Body Holds
Suit Cases
A) 14min Amrap
Right Side
8 TGU SItups
8 TGU Hip Up to Leg Throughs
8 TGU Hand Down to Kneel Upright
8 Strict Press
Repeat Left Side
B) Emom x 21 min Building in Difficulty if Possible
Min 1: 12- 15 Drop Squats off Red Plate
Min 2: 14 Alternating Primal Shoot Throughs
Min 3: 100m Run
-Week Two Open Workouts releases tonight at 7pm on games.crossfit.com.
-Once we find out what it is we will make Vickery Adjustments and release the version of our workout on the Intramural Page on Vickery Website.
-Friday Programming will also be updated as we find out more about Saturdays workout.
A) 12min Emom
MIn 1: 10/side Plank Rotations
Min 2: 12-16 Weighted Passthroughs
B) 30min w. a Partner Working for Quality
Split Work Evenly
16 Bodyweight Bench Press (.67 for female)
30 Banded Pendlay Rows
800m Row
Everything about the Intramural Open will be updated on the VA Intramural Page on our website.
A) 10min Amrap 10 Ring Rows 13 Abmat Sit Ups
B) Emom x 16min
Min 1: 6 Barbell Strict Press
4 Strict Chin Up
Min 2: `12 Cal Ab
C) Emom x 16min
Min 1: 15 Slamballs
Min 2: 50sec Single Unders
NO CLASSES! We will be running Saturday Morning Intramural Open Heats for Week 2 of 3!
More info @ https://www.vickeryathletics.com/intramural2021
Arm Day w/ Zach
One hour of straight prison yard arms. Divorce your significant other, leave your family and friends because for this golden hour you're married to the Pump Dragon. If you're not taking pre workout for this then you are not living.
Please only come if you register for the class. We will not be letting waitlist people into the class unless a spot opens up.
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
March 28th @ 11am: Gut, Butt, and Burn w/ Brie