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2/21/2022 - 2/27/2022

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Weekly Announcements

1) VA Intramural Open 2022: Battle of the Hogwarts Houses

-Vickery RX and Scaled Versions released on Intramural website via PDF

- Weekly Wizarding Duel Release on Intramural website

- Saturday Morning Heat Registration Open's on our website @ 2pm Friday.

-Website for EVERYTHING Intramurals

A look at an Intramural Open Weekend

2) Not participating in The Open this year?

- Saturday 8:30/9:30am classes are cancelled in place are our Saturday " Open Heats". But don't worry they are not just for Open participants. You will have to sign up for a heat Friday at 2pm on the Intramural part of our website.

We will not have room for ANYONE to workout unless they sign up for a heat.



A) EMOM x 12min

Min 1: 40sec of Barbell C2b

Min 2: 40sec of Db Floor Press


B) 5 Sets

15-18 Bench Press Unbroken

Right Into...

2min Row for Max Cals (10/8.5 Damper)




A) 15min AMRAP

20sec/side Adductor Bench Bridge

10/leg KB Fr Rack/Db OH Box Step Up

10 Ligth Barbell RDL


B) In 15min Perform following sets of Back Squat

2-3 sets Warm Up/Building Back Squat

3x10 Working Back Squat *


3x8side Bulg Split Sq

Resting ~2min between working sets

*2 more weeks left after this week


C) EMOM x 10min

Min 1: 10 T2b

Min 2: 16 Primal Shoot Throughs



A) Emom x 12min

Min 1: 40sec Top of Crab Bridge Hold

Min 2: 8/side Archer Ring Rows

Min 3: 40sec Light Dual Curl to Press


5 Sets in 18 min

B1) 10-12 OH DB Tricep Extension


B2) 3-10 Chin Ups > 3 Negative Chin Ups > 12 Barbell Chin Ups


B3) 3 Wall Walks > Around the Clock Walks



4 Sets in 13min

C1) 12-15 DB Pull Overs


C2) 12-15 Tall Kneeling Barbell Curls




A) 35min AMRAP

40/32cal AB

40 DU

20 Push Ups

20 Box Jumps

50/40cal Row

40 DU

20 Burpees

20 Situps



View Vickery RX/Scaled Workouts AND Weekly Wizard Duel Workout

Registration for Saturday Morning Heats LIVE @ 2pm TODAY

A) EMOM x 12min

Min 1: 20 Walking Lunge Steps

Min 2: 20-40sec Bar Hang (any grip)


B) 12min AMRAP

10/side LM Row

20 Anchored Wtd Sit Ups


C) 12min AMRAP

20 Plate W Fly

20 Band around foot Suitcases



View Vickery RX/Scaled Workouts AND Weekly Wizard Duel Workout

Registration for Saturday Morning Heats (went live 2pm Friday)



SCORE SUBMISSION DUE on Intramural Website by 1pm TODAY!

Feb 27th - Core and Stretching w/ Stefan

Upcoming Sundays

March 6th - Full Body Mobility Work w/ Zach

March 13th - CANCELLED


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