Weekly Announcements
SATURDAY - 9am Class only
(10am is cancelled)
-Class is capped at 32 ppl. If you see a waitlist on pike, just get on the waitlist and come!
- No late or cancellation fees. Wake up and don't like the roads. Don't worry about it, just don't come.
SUNDAY- 11am Shoulder Movement and Mobility
-This class is on. Please register.
-Cancellations and no show apply to this class
Classes are cancelled Monday 2/15 due to the weather.
Please check your emails, fb private group, Pike 13 class schedule, and workout blog for updates on Tuesday.
Open Gym Members: As usually the gym is open to you to access freely. Please take notice of how the gym is (heaters on, lobby doors open) before you shut down and leave.
At Home Workout
A) Emom x 28min (7 sets)
Min 1: 15-25sec Handstand hold against wall (Scale 45sec top of push up hold)
Min 2: 15 Suitcases + 10sec Deadbug on last rep
Min 3: 12 Burpees
Min 4: 50 seconds of Tall Kneeling Prisoner Stand up (Video link below)
Classes are cancelled Tuesday 2/16 due to the weather.
We will have Open Gym for everyone (with or without OG Access) from 10:30am - 1pm.
We will assess Wednesday Schedule tomorrow.
At home variation of this workout is written in BW portions.
A) 3 Sets
6-8 Half Kneeling DB Press/arm
(BW - Half Kneeling BW Windmill)
12 Lateral Band Walks (BW - 10m Duck Walk)
12 Scapular Push Ups on Elbows rest 60sec
B) 3 Sets
1. Bent Over DB Reverse Fly x 4-6reps (hold 3-4sec at the top of each rep) (BW - Pillow Case Face Pull - same reps and hold)
2. Single Leg Plank; 20sec/leg rest 30sec
3. Dual DB Straight Leg Hip Bridge 30-45sec (BW Straight Leg Hip Bridge)
C) 4 Sets
1. Single Arm Glute Bridge DB Floor Press; 20X1; 4-6/arm (BW -Yoga Push up x 8reps 30X0)
2. Narrow Grip DB Push Up 51X1; 5-8reps (BW - Off-set Push Up x 3-5/arm)
3. Top-Down Gorilla Row; 20X1; 6reps/arm; (BW - 12 Amry Plank Crawlers)
D) Every 3:00 x 8 sets (24min)
Odd Sets (1,3,5,7)
15/12 Cal Bike
8 Demon Press
12 Tuck Up + V Up Complexes
8 Dual DB Clean and Jerk
Even Sets (2,4,6,8)
50 Double Unders (BW JJ)
6 Sit Ups
10-12 Feet Elevated Push-Ups
6 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders (BW JJ)
If using BW on part D then just do second part on every interval)
Classes are cancelled Wednesday 2/17 due to the weather.
Once again we will have Open Gym for everyone (with or without OG Access) from 10:30am - 1pm.
We will decide what to do Thursday soon.
Below are two options for a workout.
- "What class would of been" is pretty simple and done under an hour prob.... It is what we would of done in class.
- "Not what class would of been" is Zach's workout and will start at 10:34.
A) 12min EMOM
MIn 1: 5 Burpees Broad Jumps
Min 2: 8-10/6-8 Calorie sprint (15s or less)
4 Sets
A1) 8 Dead Stop Full Squat Tough Box Jumps
B2) 8 Single Challenging Power Cleans
C) 16min
35sec On/25sec Off
Bicycle Crunch
Left Side OH Hold
Reverse Crunch
Rt side OH Hold
NOT WHAT CLASS WOULD OF BEEN (Starting at 10:34am)
A) 3 Sets
Clamshell Side Plank x 20sec/side
Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
Cossack Squats x 8/leg 2010 Tempo
B) EMOM x 12mins
1st - Row 15 Strokes Increasing Effort (5 @ medium, 5 @ hard, 5 @ sprint)
2nd - 4-5 Complex's/arm (Split Stance Russian Swing + Split Stance KB Snatch)
3rd - Depth to Broad Jump x 3 reps
C) Every 60sec x 10 sets
Segment Clean Pull
Power Clean
D) RDL out of rack if needed
8,6,4,2 @ 11X1 tempo
E) For Time @ strength effort:
2-4-6-8-10 Double KB Snatch @ 24/16kg
BJSD @ 24/20
Goblet Kickstand Squat - 16/12kg
rest as needed
For Time @ sustained effort:
2-4-6-8-10 Double KB Clean and Jerk @ 24/16kg
*After Each Round 8 Burpee to 10ft
Overhead Target 10 T2B
*****4:00pm Class IS CANCELLED - We did not have enough sign ups
A) 6 Sets in 24min
12 HG Incline DB BP @ 4111
10-12 Single Arm RNT Chainsaw Row
5 Sets
B1) 10/side SL Deficit Landmine RDL
B2) 10 LM Sit Ups
C) EMOM x 12min
10 DB or KB Banded Goblet Squat (~65/~45)
A) 6 Sets
10-20 Unbroken Pushups
20 Superman to Prisoners
5 Sets
B1) 15/side Split Stance Controlled Goodmornings
B2) 20 Anchored Strict Sit Ups
C) EMOM x 12min
18 Air Squats
11am-1pm Open Gym for all
- Class workout available or workout w/ Zach
4pm Group Class
-Class will be held no matter the class size.
Class Workout (done at 4pm or on your own during Open Gym)
A) Min 0-10
350/300m Row
10 Switch Lunge
35 DU > JJ
Min 10-20
12 No Push Up Burpee Over Bench
20 Alternating DB Push Press
Min 20-35
10 Toes to Bar
10/arm Kb snatch
At Home Version
A) Min 0-10
50 Jumping Jax
20 Switch Lunge 10 Primal Shoot Throughs
Min 10-20
12 No Push Up Burpee
20 Alternating Plank Army Crawlers
10/side Side Plank Reach Throughs
Min 20-35
15 Suitcases
15 Star Jumps
15 Air Squats
SATURDAY - 9am Class only
(10am is cancelled)
-Class is capped at 32 ppl. If you see a waitlist on pike, just get on the waitlist and come!
- No late or cancellation fees. Wake up and don't like the roads. Don't worry about it, just don't come.
SUNDAY- 11am Shoulder Movement and Mobility
-This class is on. Please register.
-Cancellations and no show apply to this class
6 Sets
500m/450m Row or ~30/24cal Bike
Rest ~1:1
For Time w/ 20min Cap
50 Abmat Situp
25 Strict Pullups
40 Abmat Situp
20 Strict Pull up
30 Abmat Situp
15 Strict Pullups
20 Abmat Situps
10 Strict Pullups
10 Abmat Situps
5 Strict Pullups
This Sunday Coach Jess is going to do another movement and mobility session. This time she will be focusing on the shoulders! This class is hard capped at 12 people so sign up early!
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
Feb 28th @ 11am: Kipping with Meg