Weekly Announcements
1) New Years Schedule
Thursday Dec 23rd: No 6:30pm
Friday Dec 24th: 9:30am Class Only (ignore class caps)
Saturday 25th: 9:30am Class Only (ignore class caps)
2) Programming and New Year Nutrition (The LifeStyle Plan)
Right now we are in a transition phase of programming (AKA letting ppl get back to the gym as they leave the holidays behind). We will start a regimented program about mid Jan.
Nutrition: In the next couple days the revamped LifeStyle Nutrition Plan registration will go live.
A)10min Amrap
Strict C2b > Pullup > Light Banded > Barbell
*20 minimum rep @ scale.
B) EMOM x 20min
P1: 5 Thrusters (95/65)
7 Burpee Over Bar
P2: Bar Hang*
*P2 has to be hanging for P1 to work
**Switch every min
A) E5min x 20min
400m Run
30 DU
15 Box Jump Step Down
B) 5 Rounds
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 Air Squat
20 Slamballs
*15min Cap
A) E2MOM x 16min
20 Inverted Body Rows
20 Coffin Press
B) 4 Rounds in 16min
20 Tall Kneeling Goblet LM Strict Press
12 Db/Kb Tripod Row
C) 12min AMRAP
P1: 16/14 Cal Row
P2: 10 Seated Sup Db Curl
NO 6:30pm Class Tonight
A) 5 Rounds
6 Snatch Grip RDL
6 Hi Hang Power Snatch
12 Alternating DB Single Arm Push Jerk
20/15 cal AB
*Snatch Grip RDL and HH PSn are unbroken.
*6/side Push press
ONLY 9:30am Class*
*Ignore class cap, come even if you are waitlisted
A) Emom 10 min
5 Toes to Bar
5 Toes to Ring
B) 4x10/side
Staggered Stance DB RDL
R30s btwn legs and sets
C) E2Mom x 20min
10 Push Hard Ups
10 Ring hard Rows
Happy New Year!
ONLY 9:30am Class*
*Ignore class cap, come even if you are waitlisted
A) In 15min Perform the Following
1x20 Strict Press
2x12 Push Press
4x6 Push Press
B) Emom x 28min
Station 1: 15 Situps
Station 2: 15-16/12-13 AB Calories
Station 3: 40sec of Russian Twists
Station 4: 15 Demon Press
Jan 2nd - Conditioning w/ Zach
Upcoming Sundays
Jan 9th - Movement Therapy w/ Jess (Knee Stability)
Jan 16th - Arms w/ Stefan
Jan 23rd - Snatch Lifting Day w/ Wes
Jan 30th - Conditioning w/ Lara