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1/31/2022 - 2/6/2022

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Weekly Announcements

WEATHER UPDATE as of 2/3 @ 6:30pm

On Friday (tomorrow) 2/4 we will be cancelling 5:45am and 7am.

The slush on the roads will refreeze tonight and we will let it get broken up before having classes tomorrow.

All other classes will not be cancelled. (12/430/530p)



The 7:45am class is now Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00am -8:00am

2) Be on the look out for email THIS WEEK regarding sign ups and info for this years Hogwarts Themed Intramural Opens coming up in Feb.



A) EMOM x 10min

Min 1: 40sec of Tall Plank DB Pull Throughs

Min 2: 10-20sec Top of Pullup/Chinup Hold


B) 18min AMRAP

6 C2b Pullups > 6 Kipping Pullups > 3 Kipping Pullps > 10 Jumping C2B

6/side DB Hang Snatch (50/35)

6/side SA DB Push Ups


C) E2MOM x 8min (4 sets)

11 T2B > T2R > 15 KR

11 Burpees



A) 5 Rounds in 15min for Quality

10 Straight Arm Plate Hold Squats

10 Total Alternating Barbell Cossack Squats

8 Box Jump Landing Soft in Bottom of Squat


B) In 15min Perform following sets of Back Squat

2-3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building Back Squat

3x10 Working Back Squat *

Resting ~2min between working sets

*ALOT of people might be getting stuck now at a weight. DO NOT adjust your weight down to hit 3x10... This means your 3 workings sets could look like this 1 set of 10, 1 set 8 (fail), 1 set of 6 (fail). Therefore you will stay at the same weight for the next week.

**If you have not done this in the first 3 weeks, simply start this week like it was the beginning. Go back to 1/11 and read that Tuesday programming


C) 16min w/ a Partner

20/16 Cal Row

20 Box Jump Step Down



A) Every 4min x 4 Sets (16min)

10 Challenging Bench Press

20 Total Alternating Crossbody Curls


B) Every 4min x 4 Sets (16min)

20 Supinated Body Rows

15 Seated OH Tricep Extensions


B) Every 4min x 4 Sets (16min)

8 Barbell Roll Outs > 40sec Accum Hollow Hold

24 90degree Shoulder Raise



Here is an at home workout to do if you still want to grind away while safe at home.

2 Rounds (50min total)* 4min AMRAP Accumulate Tall Plank + 4min AMRAP Situps + 4min AMRAP Superman to Prisoners + 4min AMRAP Accumulate Crab bridge Hold + 4min AMRAP Weighted Front Raises (can be anything you find around your house!) *Rest 1min btwn exercises​



On Friday (tomorrow) 2/4 we will be cancelling 5:45am and 7am.

All other classes will not be cancelled. (12/430/530p)

A) 1min/side of PVC Pipe Front Rack Stretch

1min OH DB/Kb Hold

1min of Yoga Push Ups

1min Boot Strappers


B) In 15min Perform following sets of Push Press

2 to 3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building

3x10 Working Push Press *

*ALOT of people might be getting stuck now at a weight. DO NOT adjust your weight down to hit 3x10... This means your 3 workings sets could look like this 1 set of 10, 1 set 8 (fail), 1 set of 6 (fail). Therefore you will stay at the same weight for the next week.

**If you have not done this in the first 3 weeks, simply start this week like it was the beginning. Go back to 1/11 and read that Tuesday programming


C) 5 Rounds for Time

12 UB Hang Snatch

18/14 Cal AB


*25min Time Cap



A) 3 rounds

30sec On/ 40sec Rest

Flutter Kick

Scissor Kick

L Crunch

15/side SL Hanging KR


B) 23min AMRAP

200m DB/KB Farmers Carry

80 DU >140 SU

50 Ring Rows

40 Reverse Lunge



Feb 6th: Chest Blaster 6900 w/ Stefan

Upcoming Sundays

Feb 13th: Arms w/ Zach

Feb 20th: Movement Therapy (Low Back) w/ Jess

Feb 27th: Conditioning w/ Lara


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