Weekly Announcements
1) The Lifestyle Plan Participations @ Vickery Athletics
-Todays the day we want you to start hitting your numbers 100%
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week 11am Skills Class with Meg: Kipping
A) 3 Rounds for Quality
10 Push Up to Alt Heel Grabs
5 Yoga Burpees
10 Scap Pullups
B) 5 Sets in 16:30
20 Alt Controlled Top Down Gorilla Rows
30second of Snow Angels
C) 5 RFT
15 Toes to bar
15 Pushups
10min 30sec Time Cap
4 Sets in 14min
A1) 16 Alt Death March Steps
A2) Accum 60s Dead Bug
B) 3 RFT
15 KBS (70/53)
60sec Max DU
R2min btwn Rnds
C) 3 RFT
15 Goblet Squats (70/53)
60sec Max Cal Row/AB
R2min btwn Rnds
A) Each set for reps @ a moderate grinding pace
1min Burpees
1min Light Weight Continuous Walking Lunge
400m run
Rest 3 minutes
x 5 sets
5 Sets
A1) 2 Strict press + 5Push Press
A2) 8-10 DB Bent Over Row
B) 5 Rounds
30s Bear Crawl
30s Plank Hold
30s Superman Hold
60s Max Strict Pullups
rest 60s
A) 6 Sets in 16min
Box/Bench Squat
Super Set w/
15 OH DB Tricep Extensions
B) In 13min Perform All of the Following
4 Sets
4 HPC (105/70)
4 Box Jump Step Down (30/24)
4 Sets
2 PC + 2 HPC (105/70)
4 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Sets
2 PC + 2 Sq Clean (105/70)
25 Double Unders of Jumping Jack
Teams of 4:
Accumulate as many reps and calories in 30 min of:
Row Cal
Push ups
Sit ups
Wall ball
One person at each station, switch as needed
SUNDAY @ 11am
Skills Class with Meg: Kipping
Please register on Pike13 App
50-60min to work on understanding what kipping is and how to apply it in class. This will cover and hit on kipping pullups and toes to bar mainly. If you struggle with these during classes or are new to gym then DO NOT MISS THIS DAY!