Weekly Announcements
1) VA Tiger Hoodies (PreOrdered)
-Your accounts will be charged this week if you ordered a hoodie.
-They will be laid out and labeled for you to take throughout the week if you ordered one.
-We do not have any size exchanges.
2) New Programming Cycle:
Incase you missed it last week. Go back and read tuesdays workout last week and understand how to start this cyc;e
A) EMOMx12min
Min 1: 40sec of Tall to Low Plank
MIn 2: 8/arm SA Ring Row
MIn 3: 40sec of Up Dog to Ankle Grab
B) 30-20-10-5
Kipping Pullup > Jumping C2b
Hammergrip DB/KB Benchpress
*13min30sec Time cap
C) 18min AMRAP
8-10 HG to Supinated Curls
8-10 Zpress KB Strict Press
20/17cal Row
A) 12min AMRAP
10/side Thread the Needles
10/side Lateral Box Step Ups with Goblet Hold
20sec/side Adductor Plank on Bench
B) In 15min Perform following sets of Back Squat
2-3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building Back Squat
3x10 Working Back Squat *
Resting ~2min between working sets
*Look at your numbers from last week and increase 5-7%. Go back and read last Tuesday and watch the video explaining the workout programming.
**If you missed last week then simply treat this as week 1.
***Depending on how accurately you hit last week then you might easily go up or stay for week 3.
Alternative Movement Option: 3x8/leg Bulgarian Split Squat
C) 18min AMRAP
20 Bench Dips
30 Wallballs
40 Double Unders
A) 5 rounds in 14min
20 Leg Windshield Wipers w/ BBell
200m Jog
B) 5 Rounds in 14min
20 Landmine Windshield Wipers
15 Light Cuban DB or Plate Press
C) 5 Rounds in 16min
12 Alternating SL Toes to Bar
10/arm Landmine Rows
10/arm Leaned Lateral Raise
A) Running Clock
MIn 0-5
50/43 Cal AB
60/50 Cal Row
Min 5-10
20 DB Thrusters
40 SIt Ups
60 DU > JJ
MIn 10-15
30 DB Demon Press
15 Burpee Box Jump Step Down
Min 15-20
50/43 Cal AB
60/50 Cal Row
Min 20-25
20 DB Thrusters
40 SIt Ups
60 DU > JJ
Min 25-30
30 DB Demon Press
15 Burpee Box Jump Step Down
B) 550m SA Farmers Carry (~70/50)
*As unbroken as possible
A) For Quality
20/side Plank Reach Throughs
20/side Bird Dogs
20/side Bottom of Squats Reaches
30/side DB/Plate Side Laying External Rotations
B) In 15min Perform following sets of Push Press
2 to 3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building
3x10 Working Push Press *
Resting ~2min between working sets
*Look at your numbers from last week and increase 5-7%. Go back and read last Tuesday and watch the video explaining the workout programming.
**If you missed last week then simply treat this as week 1.
***Depending on how accurately you hit last week then you might easily go up or stay for week 3.
C) In 15min Perform the following sets of Push Jerk
5-6sets of 6-8 Push Jerk with perfect technique
A) 4 Rounds (36min)
1min AMRAP
Row for Meters
1min AMRAP
Box Step Ups w/ 50/35
*Weight where you can hold it the whole minute
*Hold weight any how
1min AMRAP
Knee Raises*
*weighted if possible
1min AMRAP
90degree Push Ups
1min AMRAP
Weighted Hip Bridge
1min AMRAP
Jan 23rd - Snatch Lifting Day w/ Wes
-A technique and lifting
Upcoming Sundays
Jan 30th - Conditioning w/ Lara