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Writer's pictureZach Morman

Week of 2/3/2020 - 2/9/2020


Newsletter out this Friday

-New Website

-St Paddys Day Party (March 14th)

- Go Be Great Charity Workout (March 21st)


11am-12pm Kipping with Meg

Getting the kip down and applying it to gymnastics movements.


MONDAY A) HG DB Bench Press @31X1 2x10 Warmup 5x6 Working Sets *Slow down tempo to 52X1 if 65 is too light R60s between sets + B) 1 Drop Set of Barbell Bench Max sets of 10# on each side performed as one set 125 >105 > 85 > 65 > 45

*Scale if your first set at 125 will be less than 20 reps. + C) 2 RFT* 25 WB 20 KBS 15 Burpee

*6min time cap


TUESDAY Emom X 45min Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row Min 2: 20 Double Unders Min 3: 4 and 4 Toes2Bar Min 4: 15 Slamballs Min 5: 10 Cal Ab


WEDNESDAY A) Emom x 8 min 8-10 Empty Barbell or PVC OHS + B) 4 Sets Every 10sec for 90sec Hang Power Snatch* *Holding at hip the entire time + C)E4mom x 20min 10 Double DB Snatch 300m Run R3min


THURSDAY 4 Sets 10 Push Up to Down Dog 1 Kick Up to 20sec Hold 15 Bemt Over Reverse Fly + B) Seated DB strict press @ tempo 1x8 Warm Ups 5x6 Working + 20min Amrap 5/5 TGU 15 Strict Pullups


FRIDAY 6 Sets @31X1 A1) 6 Front Squat R60s A2) 12 barbell RDL R60s + B) 4x10 Nordic Curls w/ Partner + Emom x 10min 10 Heavy Wtd Walking Lunges


SATURDAY 9am Strength Saturdays A) 4x12 @3010 Flat Db Bench w/ Hammer Grip R60s + B) 4x12 @3010 Supinated Db Curl R60s + C) 4x10 Controlled Body Weight Tricep Extensions + D) 4x12 @3010 Standing Db Hammer Curl R60s + E) 5 sets C1) 45 sec side Plank left No Rest C2) 45 sec side Plank left No Rest C3) 45sec of bows and toes Rest 90s

Saturday Community Class 15min Amrap w/ a Partner 300m Partner Run 12 Junk Yard Dogs

Rest and Transition

16min Amrap Row/AB for Max Meters/Miles in a Group of 3



11am-12pm Kipping with Meg

Getting the kip down and applying it to gymnastics movements.

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