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Writer's pictureZach Morman

10/24/2022 - 10/30/2022

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Weekly Announcements

1) Vickery Halloween Costume Party - Friday October 28th

- Here is the FB Event for the Halloween Party. If you can't use this link, then friend request "Zach Morman" and I will invite you!

-More Details Below

Come out Friday Night for our annual Halloween Costume Party this year we will be back at the gym!

We will have a beer/white claws, liquor and other beverages. This is not just a gym social event!

Please feel free to invite friends! Please feel free to extend this invite to them via FB

See more details below...

WHERE: THE GYM! 4411 Belmont Avenue Dallas Tx WHEN: Friday, October 28th at 8:30pm WHO: Gym Members, Friends and family. PARKING: For God Sakes just Uber. WHAT TO WEAR: A Costume! WHAT TO BRING: Friends and bring some food to share! We will be supplying general alcohol, but extra snack table ALWAYS welcome.

WHO/WHAT NOT TO BRING: Pets, Thieves, Satan/Kids, People you don't know, Weapons, Emotions, Most drugs, Underage People, Political/Religious Opinions, Tear Gas, Fights. 469-734-3343 is Zach's cell with any detailed questions or if you have something to contribute to the party.



A) 40min Time Cap

100 Hang Alternating Db Snatch (50/35)

*Every Break = 15/12 Cal Echo Bike or Row

100 Double Unders or 3min of Single Unders

*Every time Break = 10 Burpees

100 Push Ups

*Every Break = 30 DU or 100m Run



A) 4 Rounds

30/side Bulg Split Sq @2111

15 Supinated Body row


B) E3MOM x 10 Sets

10 BackSquat @2011 (focus on 1 second at the top)

10 Pull Up (No dropping)



A) Amrap 13min

12 Seated Skull Crushers

12/10 Cal AB

12 Alt Pause Mtn Climbers

12/10 Cal AB


B) Amrap 13min

15 TGU Situps Right

200m Run

15 TGU Situps Left

20 Box Jumps


C) Emom x 14min

Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row

Min 2: 8-10 Rower Pikes > Knee Tucks"



A) 16min AMRAP

20 Elephant Walks

10 Prisoner to Superman

5 Nordic Curls


B) E3MOM x 10 Sets

10 Deadlift @ 30X1

10 DB HG BP @30x1



A) 12 Rounds with a Partner*

12 UB Hang Power Snatch (115/85)

12 Toes to Bar

16/12 Cal Echo Bike

Split evenly

*27min Time Cap



A) 40min Emom

Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row

Min 2: 10 DB/KB Tall Kneeling Strict Press

Min 2: 18 Sit Ups

Min 3: 10/leg Box Step Ups



This Sunday Oct 30th: Cardio and Abs w/ Brie

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

TBA for Nov


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