Weekly Announcements
1) End of Current Program Cycle
This week is the final week of our current program cycle. If you have chosen to take the heavy lifting route make sure you are taking care of your self this week. Rest up, eat well, get some extra mobility, prep your body to lift heavy. Next week we will start a new 8 week program. A write up will go out next weekend.
2) Coach Lara!
Lara is finishing up her final training this week and has her first class this week. Make sure to congratulate her this week and don't give her too hard of a time (Bill).
3) Movement Treatment
For aches and pains, rehab, prehab and movement help reach out to Jess directly at jessn23@gmail.com
4) Private Facebook Group
Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.
A) 9min Amrap
6 Burpee Box Jumps
6 Suitcases
B) Bench Press (21min)
1x12 Warmup (not just barbell)
1x8 Warmup
1x5 Building
2x2 Building (hvy/hvier)
1RM Attempts
Tempo Bench @31x1
1x10 Warmup
1x10 Building Up
5x12 Working Sets
C) 9min Amrap
6 Burpee Box Jumps
6 Toes to Bar
6 Db/Kb Push Press
A) Every 5min x 2 sets (30min total)
Min 0-5
600/525m Row
Min 5-10
200m Run
30 Hang Power Clean (115/85)
Min 10-15
2min to get 55/49 cal on AB*
Whatever calories are left = 1 burpee
Example 1
31 Calories in 2 min
Then you have the remainder of the 5 min to finish 19 burpees
Example 2
53 Calories in 2min
Then you have the remainder of the 5 min to finish 2 burpees.
A) 5min Amrap
10/side SL HB w/ 10sec Hold on Last Rep
10 Down to Up Dog
5min Amrap
8 Tough Box Jumps Landing in Squat
10 Superman to Prisoners
5min Amrap
10 Kang Squats
30sec of Bicycle Crunches
B) Squat (25min)
1x12 Warmup (not just barbell)
1x8 Warmup
1x5 Building
2x2 Building (hvy/hvier)
2RM Attempts
Tempo Bench @31x1
1x10 Warmup
1x10 Building Up
5x12 Working Sets
A) 3 Sets*
60sec Cross Hold
100m Banded Over Head Walk
400m Run
3 Sets*
60sec Top of Ring/TRX hold
10 Pendlay Row
300m Run
3 Sets*
20 UB Strict Press
200m Run
3 Sets*
10/side Bench Supported HG DB/Kb Row
10 Strict Knee to Elbow
1 Set*
800m Run
*Done as a one workout at steady pace. Rest as needed for quality reps.
A) 12min Amrap
10 Db Complex...
DL to Curl to Press = 1 Rep of Complex
20 90/90 int/ext hip rotations (weighted KB FR if possible)
B) Deadlift (No tempo)
Warm Up 1x12
Building 2x5-8
Building 1x4
4 Rep Max Attempts
Tempo DL or RDL
2x12 Warmup/Building
5x15 Working @ 31x2
A) 10min Amrap
10 Db Hang Power Clean (50/35)
30 Double Unders
B) 10min Amrap
20 Wall Balls
10 Calorie Row
C) 3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
20 Burpees
Sunday Open Gym
11am -1pm
You still have to register for Open gym.