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Writer's pictureZach Morman

9/18/2023 - 9/24/2023

Updated: Sep 20, 2023


1) New Self Check Out Retail

Hello Vickerites - Quick retail update. The time of the retail sheets has come to an end...

There is a new Self Check Out Station where the retail sheets used to be. Couple things to note with this. 1) You WILL need your credit/debit card EVERY TIME you check out something from retail. 2) Check out AND pay immediately after getting your items. 3) This is separate from the Pike 13 system, so NO cards will be kept on file. And once again you will see some retail charges hitting your accounts over the next two weeks or so as we clean up the last (quite a few) retail sheets. You will see receipts for this.

Thanks for the understanding.



A) E4MOM x 5 Sets (20min)

5-10 Barbell Strict Press

5-10 Barbell Hip Bridge

1min of Single Unders


B) E3MOM x 7 Sets (21min)

(3 Building + 4 Working)

3.3 Deadlift

. = 20sec deload and stand



A) 3 Rounds

400m Run

30 Toes to Bar

30 Db Incline Bench Press

30 Strict Pullup

30 V -Ups



A) E4MOM x 5 Sets (20min)

10 Seal Row

5-10 Barbell Hip Bridge

11/9 Echo Sprint


B) E3MOM x 7 Sets (21min)

(3 Building + 4 Working)

4.4 Back Sq

. = 20sec Rack the weight



A) Every 4min x 6 Sets (24min)

8-12 Bench Press @ 2111

15-20 Bent Over Fly


B) 10 Sets in 20min

Max Unbroken Pullups

(Score and Track Total Reps)



A) 5 Sets

15/side Side Hip Taps

10-20sec/side Adducter Holds on Bench


B) 35min Alternating w/ a Partner

12/10 Cal Row

*no sitting to rest.



A) 12min to Build

Building/Warm Up Back Squat


B) In 12min

4x4 Back Sqaut


C) 20min AMRAP w/ Partner

40 Burpees

80 Box Jump Step Down



This Sunday Sep 24: Arms w/ Stefan

Upcoming Sundays

Sunday 10/1: Chest Pump with Stefan

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