Weekly Announcements
1) September Vickery Bar Day Party
- Saturday Sep 17th @ 1pm
- Limited Open Bar Tab: When its out it is out!
- Location: Black Friar
A) 3 rounds in 15min
300/250m Row > 300/250m > 500m/450m
15 KB RDL> KB DL> Bbell DL
10 Scap Pullups > 5 Strict > 5 Strict
10 Straight Leg Db Strict Press
B) E2MOM x 10sets (20min)
4.4 Deadlifts
*Perform 4 Challenging TnG DL, then rest 10sec, then perform 4 more DL
*Increase weight as needed.
C) 8min AMRAP
40 Barbell Strict Press (115/85)
Amrap Strict Pullup in Time Remaining
A) Bullet Proof Shoulders as a Class
B) Emom x 33min
Min 1: 100m Jog
Min 2: 25sec/side Landmine Bicep Curls
Min 3: 30 Double Unders or 45sec of Single Unders
A) Back Squat in 15min
5 x 4.4 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w control)
. = 20sec break at bar
B) Emom x 20min
Min 1: 8-10 Bench Press
Min 2: 6-7/side Goblet Deficit Reverse Lunges
A) 12 min EMOM
Min 1: 30sec Superman to Prisoner
Min 2: 30sec Push Up to Strict Elbow to Opposite Knee
Min 3: 50sec Bird Dogs
B) 15 min EMOM
MIn 1: 60sec Suitcase Hold w/ Shrugs
Min 2: 50sec FLR
Min 3: 50sec Weighted Pass Throughs
C) 12min EMOM
Min 1: 18/15cal Row
Min 2: 13 No Push Up Burpees
A) 10 Rounds with a Partner
20 T2b > T2R> Knee Raises
30 Demon Pres (50/35)
40/32cal Row or Echo
*Split work evenly
6 Sets
500m/450m Row or ~30/22cal Echo Bike
Alternating w/ Partner
*2:10min Cap per repeat
For Time w/ 20min Cap
50 Abmat Situp
50 Ring Row
40 Abmat Situp
40 Ring Row
30 Abmat Situp
30 Ring Row
20 Abmat Situps
20 Ring Row
10 Ring Row
10 Abmat Situps
This Sep 18th: Arms with Zach
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
Sep 25th: Aerobic Conditioning and Abs with Lara
Oct 2nd: Arms with Stefan