1) Labor Dar Weekend Gym Schedule
Sat Sep 2nd: 8:30am Only*, 9:30am Cancelled
Sun Sep 3rd: No Specialty Class. 11am Class cancelled
Mon Sep 4th: 9:30am Mega Class, Normal Classes Cancelled
*Sign up on Pike 13 but ignore waitlist if there is one
2) Pregnancy & Postpartum Athlete Workshop
Sept 10 @ 12:15pm-1:15pm
-Learn a little about the pelvic floor muscles and basic exercise modifications throughout Pregnancy & Postpartum journey
-$15 sign up
-Open to family/friends
-More info/how to sign up will be emailed out by Jess this week
A) E2MOM x 18min
Min 0-2: 28/22 Cal Echo
Min 2-4: 3-6 Negative Pullups
Min 4-6: 20 Push Ups
B) E5MOM x 6 Sets
5 Bench Press @ 3012
immediately into Max Box Dips
3-5 Wtd Pullups
A) 5 Sets
10/side WB Torso Twist Throws
10-20sec/side Adductor Holds on Bench
B) 35min Alternating w/ a Partner
24/20 Row or Echo* (24/18) for Echo
*50m walk in between each set and no sitting to rest.
A) EMOM x 10min
Min 1: 45sec Inverted Supinated Row Hold
Min 2: 8/side BW BSS*
*Jumping/Explosive if possible
B) Every 1.5min x 24 Sets (36min)
Movement 1: 8-10/side Front Rack Lunges
Movement 2: 12-15 Seal Rows w/ Contraction at Top
A) 3 Sets in 9min
5 Shoulder Around the World Raise
7/side Kb Snatch
10 Supinated Bbell Strict Press
B) E3MOM x 18min (6sets)
5 Deadlift @2011
4 Sets
A1) 12 Reverse DB Curl
A2) 60sec Max Supinated Barbell Curl
B) 100 BW Low Bar Tri Ext
C) 10min AMRAP
10 Bridge Walkouts
10 Toes to Bar
40 Rounds Alternating w/ a Partner
5 Wall Balls
3 Burpee Box Jumps
2 DB or KB Fr Sq (~65/~50)
*Every 5 minutes both run 200M (Starting at beginning)
This Sunday Sep 3rd: Closed Labor Day
Upcoming Sundays
Sep 10: Movement Therapy with Jess: Low Back
Sep 17: Cardio and Abs w/ Brie
Sep 24: Arms w/ Stefan