Weekly Announcements
1) Be on the look out for a programming email about next week and whether or not you should be dropping tempo and upping weights.
2) As of now Jess will no longer be doing movement work on people at Vickery on Sundays. We are super happy to announce she started a position at The Sports Pod (https://thesportspod.co/) as a Movement Specialist. Not to worry though, y'all can still see her for treatment, contact her directly for details at jessn23@gmail.com.
3) Make sure to join the Vickery Members Private Fb Group. Search "Vickery Athletics Member" and request to join.
A) Bench Press @31x1
2x5 Building Up
5x5 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w tempo)
B)5x10 Standing Overhead Db Extensions
C) As Fast as Possible
40 Burpee to Lateral Jump Over
50 Wall Balls
A) 5min Jump Rope*
*Every Break is 3 Burpees
B) 3 Sets
2min Row for Max Cals
2min Rest
C) 6 Sets
25sec Mountain Climbers
35sec Rest
25sec Bicycle Crunch
35sec Rest
D) 12min Amrap
100m Run
20 Double Unders > Jumping Jacks
A) Back Squat @31x1
2x5 Building Up
5x5 Working Sets (all heavy as possible w tempo)
B) Emom x 20min
Min 1: 10 Kipping Pullups
Min 2: 7/side Goblet Deficit Reverse Lunges
A) E3mom x 12 Sets
Min 0-3
2 Rounds
10 UB Push Press (any Implement)
5 Toes to Bar > T2R > 8 Suitcases
Min 3-6
12 Burpees
14 Box Jumps
A) 10min Amrap
10 Good Mornings
10/10 Leg Kicks
10 Hip bridge
5/5 Windmills
5 Sets
B1) 12 Supinated DB Supinated Bicep Curls @31x1
B2) 10 Deadlifts @31x1
3 Sets
C1) 15 Supinated Ring Rows @2111
C2) 10 Nordic Curls
24min Amrap
400m Run
15 Power Snatch/ Demon Press/ Slam Ball (players choice)
15 Abmat Situps
Sunday Open Gym
11am -1pm
You still have to register for Open gym.