Weekly Announcements
1) NEW Start Times for Saturday Class STARTING in September
***8:30am and 9:30am ***
(Use to be 9/10am) -Remember: Saturday and Sunday classes we strictly adhere to the class cap.
2) Labor Day Weekend Schedule
Friday Sep 3rd: No 6:30pm Saturday Sep 4th: Only 9:30am class (8:30am class cancelled) Sunday Sep 5th: No Sunday Specialty Class
Monday Sep 6th: 9am Group Class (all other classes cancelled)
3) New 9 Week Program Cycle Starting this week.
Aug 29th - Movement Therapy with Jess
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
Sep 5th - Sunday Class Cancelled due to Labor Day
Sep 12th- Movement Therapy with Jess
Sep 19th- Arm Day with Zach
Sep 26- Aerobic Conditioning with Lara
A) 8min Amrap
10 Wide Grip Push Ups
10 Wide Grip Scap Pullups
B)12min to perform
4 x 10/leg
Front Rack Step Ups
3 Sets in 10min
C1) 10-15 Box Dips
Right Into...
C2) Amrap Strict Pullups
Rest as Needed
D) 10min EMOM
Min 1: 12/10 Cals
Min 2: 12 Box Jump Step Down
A) 3 Round in 9min
20 Back Squat
20 DB Bench Press
20 Boot Strapper
B) 3 Rounds in 17min
Back Squat
1min Amrap Back Squat (15-18 reps)
Drop Weight...
45sec Amrap Back Squat (20+ Reps)
Drop Weight...
10 reps @ 3111
C) 3 Rounds in 17min
Bench Press
1min Amrap Bench Press (15-18 reps)
Drop Weight...
45sec Amrap Bench Press (20+ Reps)
Drop Weight...
10 reps @ 3111
A) 20min Emom
Min 1: 225/200m Row (50s Cap)
Min 2: 15 DU and 6 Burpees
20min Emom
Min 1: 100m Run
Min 2: 15 Slam Balls
A) 9min Amrap (AKA 3 Rounds)
10 Weighted Superman to Prisoners
20 Standing Lateral Shoulder Raise
30 Busdrivers (Each direction equal one rep)
B) E30s x 8min w/ a Partner
P1: Anchored Wtd OH Situps
P2 Rest and Hold
C) 4 Rounds in 15min
12-15 Seated Arnold Press
8-12 Chin Ups
D) 1mile Run (11min Cap)
A) 4min Amrap
10/direction PVC Pipe Around the Worlds
30 Jumping Jax
4min Amrap
20 Total Alternating Scap Pullups
30 Jumping Jax
B) 4 Rounds in 15min
10 Frog Stance DL
20 Goblet Hold Curtsy Lunge
Rest as needed between mvmts and sets
C)15min Amrap
20 Toes to Bar
20 Single DB Renegade Rows
Groups of 3
10 Sets
3min Work
1min Team Rest
20 Cal Row
20 Burpees
*two people working at a time
*Score = Total reps
Aug 29th - Movement Therapy with Jess
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
Sep 5th - Sunday Class Cancelled due to Labor Day
Sep 12th- Movement Therapy with Jess
Sep 19th- Arm Day with Zach
Sep 26- Aerobic Conditioning with Lara