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Writer's pictureZach Morman

7/6/2020 - 7/12/2020

Weekly Announcements

Normal Schedule this Week

-Re-opening July 4th for Members w/ Negative Tests -Re-Opening July 13th for all and new members

-No Twitch Stream this week, but at home workouts provided below.




A) Back Sqaut From Racks

2x10 Warm Up

4x10 Working


No Partner Alternate

6x12 Goblet Squats @ 31x1


B) 6x10 RDL from ground @31x1

R90s btwn Sets


C) 500m Row Time Trial

At Home Version

A) 6 Sets of 40 seconds of Squats*

Weighted in anyway possible

Rest 90sec between sets


B) 6x10 RDL from ground @31x1

R90s btwn Sets


C) 800m Run Warm Up

Rest 3 min

800m Run Time Trail




A) For Time at a Consistent Effort

5 Sets of UB 25 DU or 8 Burpees

3 Sets of 10 UB Hang Power Cleans

400m Run

3 Sets of 10 UB Hang Power Cleans

10 Sets of 10 UB Star Jumps

5Sets of UB 25 DU

At Home Version

A) For Time at a Consistent Effort

5 Sets of UB 25 DU or 30 JJ

3 Sets of 10 UB Hang Power Cleans

400m Run

3 Sets of 10 UB Hang Power Cleans

10 Sets of 10 UB Star Jumps

5 Sets of UB 25 DU or 30 JJ




A) Bench press @4011

2x10 Warm Up

4x10 Working



B) 5x12 @ 31x1

Standing DB OH Tricep Ext



C) 10min Amrap

10 Toes to bar

10 Burpees

At Home Version

A) For Time

30 Reps* of this flow:â €

Pushup + Right Shoulder Tapâ €

Pushup + Left Shoulder Tapâ €

Pushup + Right Leg Shoot Through

Pushup + Left Leg Shoot Through

*This is one Repetitionâ €


B) 10min Amrap

10 Burpees

10 Suitcases




4 Sets

A1) 20 Strict Pullups > 10 Negatives > 25 Ring Rows

A2) 20/side Single Arm Db/Kb Push Press

A3) 20 Upright Rows


B) For Time

30/24 Cal AB

Run 550m

At Home Version

Same as Last Week

6 Sets of each exercise - Finish one movement and go to the next.

*Rest 30 seconds between sets and 1 minute between movements.

â €

A) 15 Reps - Kneeling Lat-Overheadâ €

B)15 Reps - Laying Towel Pulldown

C) 15 Reps - Kneeling Towel Pressâ €

D) 15 Reps - Kneeling Upright Rowâ €

E) 15 Reps - Kneeling Shoulder Pressâ €


F) 15 Reps Total - 3 Pushup + 3 Reverse Snow Angelsâ €


G) 20 Reps Total - Pushup + Cobra + Blast Offâ €

Rest 30 seconds between sets and 1 minute between movements.




A) 5x12/arm

Supinated Curl + Crossbody Hammer Curl


B) 5x10 Bench Supported Pronated to Supinated KB Row


C) 4x10 Bent Over Reverse Flys


D) 150 Up and Over DB Lower Abs

At Home Version

A) 2min Max Double Unders > Single Under > Jumping Jax

2min Max Situps


90s Max DU

90s Max Situps


60s Max DU

60s Max Situps



Any Variation of Rows*

Any Variation of Strict Press









12min Amrap

1 Rep

5 DB Goblet Squat

5 Db Curls

5/5 Front Lunges


15min Amrap

20 Wallballs

400m Run

At Home Version

12min Amrap

1 Rep

5 Airsquat

5 BW Tricep Ext

8/8 Front Lunges


12min Amrap

20 Airsquat

400m Run


Sunday Open Gym

11am -1pm

You still have to register for Open gym.


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