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Writer's pictureZach Morman

7/22/2024 - 7/28/2024

Updated: Jul 23, 2024


1) Thanks to everyone who came out and made Vickery's 10 year Anniversary a blast. Special thanks to Eddie and Adam for hosting our rowdy crew.

2) Only 2 weeks left of this Program Cycle



A) EMOM x 9min

Min 1: 12/10 Echo Cals

Min 2: 8/side BSS

Min 3: 15 Suitcases


B) Back Squats Sets in 18min

15 Barbell

10 Medium w/ small pause

6-8 Heavy-ish

3-5 Heavy

4x3 Working Sets (start by min 9 atleast)


C) 20min AMRAP

Switching with a Partner

P1: 30/24 Echo Cals

P2: Single Unders while Partner Echos



A) 3 Rounds

5 Push Up to Down Dog

10 Hammer Curl to Press

Right into...

50 Around the World Shoulder Raise


B) Strict Press Sets in 16min

10 Medium w/ small pause

6 Heavy-ish

2 Confident Heavy

Find 2RM Strict Press


C) 18min AMRAP Alternating rounds w/ a Partner

10/8 Cal Row

10 Burpee Over



A) 4x20sec per side Adductor Plank Hold


B) 4 sets in 12min

8-12 Heavy DB Ext Rotation

20 Supinated Seal Row


C) EMOM x 20min

Building Power Clean



A) 8min AMRAP

10 Scap Pullups

10 Top of Push Up to Down Dog

5/5 Offfset Pushups


B) Don't know how to kip?

10min Kipping Tech

Have a Kip/Kipping Pullups?

30 Negative Pullups *

*3sec down atleast

*Can be wtd


C) 30min Amrap with a Partner

10/side TGU Sit Up

20 Bench Press

20/side DB Tripod Row



A) 6min Amrap

GM to Inch Worm to Thread the Needle (R & L) to push up


B) 4x12 @ 3111



3 Sets

C1) 10 Nordic Hamstring Curls

each person

C2) 10 Strict Toes to Bar


D) EMOM x 8min

20 Walking Lunges



60s Stations x 8 Rounds:

Bicycle Crunch

(Trans 15s)

Abmat Situps

(Trans 15s)

Echo Cals

(Trans 15s)

Row for Cal

(rest 1:15)



THIS SUNDAY: 7/28 - Arms with Stefan

Upcoming Sundays

8/4 - Olympic Lifting w/ Zach

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