Weekly Announcements
REMINDER! All are welcome back to classes now. New members welcome to try classes too. Just text Zach! Thanks again for everyone understanding.
Nothing has changed as far as gym procedures go - Mask up in the lot when waiting to be called in
- In gym cleaning the same
-Sign up before classes (same late fees🤑)
-Cap class is still 18 (this is actually under what the state suggests for capacity)
-Exit back of the gym (when over lapping classes)
-Wash your filthy paws often.
One on One Movement/Maintenance Treatment from Jess!
Coach Jess is offering one on one sessions in the office at the gym to help members assess injury, get some manual work done, and learn some corrective exercises. She has a couple times left open this week. Pricing is all private pay direct to Jess. All of our coaches and every member that has worked with Jess can't recommend her enough for helping with you nagging pains and poor movement patterns. The link to book a time is below.
A) 8min Emom
30sec Dead bug hold
30sec Rest
B) Front Squats
2x10 Warm Up
4x8 Working Sets
6x12 Alternating Deficit Reverse DB Lunge
C) 21-15-9
Thusters (95/65)
Shoulder to Overhead
Alternating Shoot Throughs
*Same weight on both bars
Cap = 18min
A) 3 Sets
24/20 Cal Ab
Rest 1 to 1
B) 3 Sets
500/450m Row
Rest 1 to 1
C)3 Sets
30 Burpees
Rest 1 to 1
Cap for all is 2min
A) For Quality
50 Suitcases
50 Push Ups w/ Shoulder Taps
50 Side Plank Hip Taps (total)
40 Toes to Bar
40 Push Ups Push Ups w/ Shoulder Taps
40 Db Tricep Extensions
30 Suitcases
30 Push Ups Push Ups w/ Shoulder Taps
30 Side Plank Hip Taps (total)
20 Toes to Bar
20 Push Ups Push Ups w/ Shoulder Taps
20 Db Tricep Extensions
10 Suitcases
10 Push Ups Push Ups w/ Shoulder Taps
10 Side Plank Hip Taps (total)
A) E2MOMx 20min
Min 0-2: Set number of Strict Pullups > Mix > Negatives > RR
MIn 2-4: 12 Bent Over Pronated to Supinated DB/KB Rows
B) 50 Reps of each movement - Finish all 50 and then move on to the next one:â €
Band Pass Throughsâ €
Band Side Touches (R+L=2)â €
Band Toe Touchesâ €
Band X-Ups (R+L=2)â €
Plank Knee to Shoulders (R+L=2)⠀⠀
DB Up and Overs
A) 12min to Build to confident single and work on Clean Tech
10min Emom
Advance: 1 Confident Single Clean*
Beginner: 1-4 Hang Cleans per min
*One ego/weight related fail and you're done with class for the day
B) 12min to Build to confident single and work on Snatch Tech
10min Emom
Advance: 1 Confident Single Clean*
Beginner: 1-4 Hang Cleans per min
*One ego/weight related fail and you're done with class for the day
For time:
1 Mile Run
75 Double Unders or JJ
75 Air squats
50 Burpees
75 Mtn Climbers
75 Double Unders or JJ
Sunday Open Gym
11am -1pm
You still have to register for Open gym.