Weekly Announcements
-In Gym Classes Closed until July 4th
-Workouts Streamed Daily on Twitch(no equipment)
-Re-opening July 4th for Members w/ Negative Tests -Re-Opening July 13th for all.
-Please email zach@vickeryathletics.com w/ test results.
Last Week Covid Update Email Discussion Video
(please check and read email if you haven't)
This Past Sundays Town Hall
In Gym Classes Cancelled - Workout from Home Week.
10am Coaching/Wod Stream
Warm Up
60sec Eygtian Arms
60sec Arm Swings
60s Alternating Soldier Kicks
30 Burpees
At Home Workout
6 Sets of each exercise - Finish one movement and go to the next.
*Rest 30 seconds between sets and 1 minute between movements.
â €
A) 15 Reps - Kneeling Lat-Overheadâ €
B)15 Reps - Laying Towel Pulldown
C) 15 Reps - Kneeling Towel Pressâ €
D) 15 Reps - Kneeling Upright Rowâ €
E) 15 Reps - Kneeling Shoulder Pressâ €
F) 15 Reps Total - 3 Pushup + 3 Reverse Snow Angelsâ €
G) 20 Reps Total - Pushup + Cobra + Blast Offâ €
Rest 30 seconds between sets and 1 minute between movements.
In Gym Classes Cancelled - Workout from Home Week.
10am Coaching/Wod Stream
Warm Up
2 Rounds
20 Feet Wide Double Tap Reach Through then Up
10 Arm Circles Each Direction
10/side Scorpions (trying to touch heel to ankle)
20 Jumping Air Squat
At Home Workout
A) Midline Starter
50 Reps of each movement - Finish all 50 and then move on to the next one:â €
â €
Towel Pass Throughsâ €
Towel Side Touches (R+L=2)â €
Towel Toe Touchesâ €
Towel X-Ups (R+L=2)â €
Plank Knee to Shoulders (R+L=2)⠀⠀
*Rest 2 minutes between movements.
B) Emom x 18min
Min 1: 35 Double Unders > 35 Jumping Jax
Min 2: 20 Reverse Lunges (Weight optional)
In Gym Classes Cancelled - Workout from Home Week.
10am Coaching/Wod Stream
Warm Up
3 Rounds
15 PVC Pipe/Broom/Mop/Jump Rope Pass Throughs
10 Jeffereson Curls
10 Kang Squats (no weight)
At Home Workoutâ €
A) 25-50 Reps* of this flow:â €
Pushup + Right Shoulder Tapâ €
Pushup + Left Shoulder Tapâ €
Pushup + Right Leg Shoot Through
Pushup + Left Leg Shoot Through
*This is one Repetitionâ €
**Only Rest is between Reps, not during.
*** 22min cap regardless of lvl
â €
Beginner: 25 Reps
Intermediate: 40 Reps
Advance:55 Repsâ €
In Gym Classes Cancelled - Workout from Home Week.
10am Coaching/Wod Stream
Warm Up
2/min Side Couch Stretch or Samson Stretch
3 Rounds
12/side Calf Raise
12/Side Soldier Kicks
20s High Knee Place
10 Down to Updog
At Home Workout
A) Amrap 6min
Shuttle Run
10 Star Jumps
B) Amrap 5min
Shuttle Run
10 Good Mornings
C) Amrap 4min
Shuttle Run
10 Airsquat
R 1min
D) Amrap 3min
Shuttle Run
In Gym Classes Cancelled - Workout from Home Week.
10am Coaching/Wod Stream
Warm Up
4 Rounds
30s Superman Pull Downs
30s Rest
30s Superman Flys
30s Rest
30s Crab Walk 7-10ft back and forward
At Home Workout
A) Emom x 30min
Min 1: 6/side Single Arm Demon Press w/ any weight
Min 2: 15 No Push Up Burpees
Min 3: 45s Plank
Today we Re-Open for Members who have sent in via email or text a picture of a negative Covid-19 test dated June 18 to July 4th.
Mini Murph
800m Run
50 Pullups
100 Strict Press
150 Airsquats
800m Run
No Open Gym - Closed for Fourth of July Weekend
Hope everyone had a good Fourth Weekend, gym is closed today!