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Writer's pictureZach Morman

6/24/2024 - 6/30/2024


1) NEW 8:30am Class Time Starting July 1st

(3x a week) Mon, Tues, Thurs

  • 8:30-9:30am Class will be added to the schedule starting July 1st.

2)  10 Year Anniversary Pool Party - July 20th

Mark your calendars and clear your weekends as we celebrate Vickery turning 10 years old on July 20th @ 2pm

  • Details and Evite to come via email



A) E4MOM x 3 Sets (12min)

500/450m Row

10 90/90 Hip Rotations

10 Wallball


B) 5 WORKING Sets in 18min

5 Back Squat

Super Set w/ 10/side SL Hip Bridge on bench


C) With a Partner for Time

150/125 Cal Echo

100 Burpees

*BOTH Partners can be working at same time on different movements.



5 Sets in 22min

A1) 8 Barbell Strict Press

A2) 20 Strict Pullups


B)18min AMRAP

20 Renegade Man Makers

20 Box Jumps



A) EMOM x 20min

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat


B) E5MOM x 4 Sets (for individual set speed)

10 Thrusters

400m Run



A) 5 WORKING Sets in 18min

5 Bench Press

Super Set w/ Max Hanging Knee Raise


B) 5 Sets

500/450m Row


*2min cap



4 Sets all @ 3011

A1) 10 LM RDL


A2) 8-12 Tricep Ext


A3) 10-15 Deficit wtd Calf Raises


A4) 12 Supinated Seated DB Curls



B) 50-40-30-20-10

Double Unders

Abmat Sitips



A) 30min Emom

Min 1: Starting at 7/5 cals*

Min 2: 14 Walking Lunges

Min 3: 8 Plate Ground to Overhead*

*Cals and Ground to OH increase by 1 calorie every round



THIS SUNDAY: 6/30 - Cardio and Abs with Brie

Upcoming Sundays

July TBA

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