1) New Program Cycle Started Last Week
New 8 week program started last week. For a quick overview with priority days see last weeks blog post.
A) EMOM x 8min
Min 1: 10 Gob Hold Alt Box Step Ups
Min 2: 12/10 Cal Echo
B) 5 Sets in 16min
5-7 Back Squat
Super Set w/ 15 Butterfly Hip Bridge
C) 10 Rounds Alternating with a Partner
2min Rows for Max Meters
A) 5 Sets in 12min
10/side DB Ext Rotation
10 Seal Rows
B) 5 Sets in 12min
8 Barbell Strict Press
C) 4 Rounds for Time
10 Box Jump
10 DB Push Press
10 Burpees
10 Strict Pullups
* 16min Cap
A) 16min to Buld to a Challenging Complex
1 Complex = 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + Hi Hang Power Snatch
B) 5 Sets in 25min
1 Power Snatch + 10 Hang Power Snatch
20 DU
16/13 Cal Row
A) EMOM x 8min
Min 1: 8-10 DB Flies
Min 2: 8 Barbell Sit Ups
B) 5 Sets in 16min
5-7 Bench Press
Super Set w/ 20 Ring Rows
C) 16min EMOM
Min 1: 15 Wall Balls
Min 2: 15 RKBS
A) Emom x 10min
Min 1: 15 Light Dual DB/Plate Tricep Ext
Min 2: 45sec Cross Hold
B) Emom x 10min
Min 1: 30sec Top Half Bicep Curl
Min 2: 15 Seated Reverse Fly
4 Sets in 22min
C1) 8/arm Heavy DB Tricep Skull Crushers
C2) 5-10 Wtd Chin Ups
C3) Max UB Straight Leg Hold on Boxes
Emom x 32min
Station 1: 12/10 Cal Row (50s Cap)
Station 2: 100m Run or 4-8 Strict Pullups
Station 3: 10/8 Cal Echo Bike
Station 4: 10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
THIS SUNDAY: 6/23 - Movement Therapy with Jess
Upcoming Sundays
6/30 - Cardio and Abs with Brie