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Writer's pictureZach Morman

6/10/2024 - 6/16/2024

Updated: Jun 9


1) The Annual Jackson Pool Party and Go Be Great Charity Workout

Saturday June 15th @ 930am and 1pm

  • 9:30am - Go Be Great Charity Workout

    • A charity near and dear to Vickery founded and ran by our very own Jules and Brian Jackson in honor of Jules son, Brock. (More info here)

    • Go Be Great merchandise will be available to purchase at workout! See more on the PDF Flier below.

  • 1:00pm - Annual Vickery Pool Party hosted by the Jackson

    • Formal invite is in your email of of LAST Friday (Please RSVP)

2) New Program Cycle Starting this Week

  • New 8 week program starts today. For a quick overview with priority days see below, for a bit more info watch the short programming video as well.



A) EMOM x 8min

Min 1: 10 Back Squat

Min 2: 100m Row Sprint


B) 5 Sets in 16min

6-8 Back Squat

Super Set w/ 12 SL Hip Bridge


C) 20min AMRAP w/ a Partner

20/16 Cal Echo

30/24 Cal Row

40 Box Jump



A) 6min AMRAP

10 Db Push Press

10 KB Sumo High Pulls


B) 3 Rounds in 6min

Max Effort Chin Up Hold

Building Barbell Strict Press


C) EMOM x 16min

Min 0-2: 8-10 Barbell Strict Press

Min 2-4: Minimum 5 Strict Pullup


D) 3 Rounds for Time

20 Toes To Bar > T2R > 30 Kipping KRR > 20 SC

20 HR Push Ups

40 DU

*15min Cap



A) 18min to Build to a Challenging 2 UB Complexes

1 Complex = 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean


B) E4MOM x 4 Sets (for individual speed)

10 HPC

250/225mn Row



A) EMOM x 8min

Min 1: 10 Push Up to Down Dog

Min 2: 8 PVC PT + 8 Shoulder Taps to Ground


B) 5 Sets in 16min

6-8 Bench Press

Super Set w/ 12 Reverse Flies


C) 18min EMOM

Min 1: 16/13 Cal Echo (52sec cap)

Min 2: 20sec Tall Plank



A) EMOM x 12min

Min 1: 40sec of BW Tricep Ext (any variation)

Min 2: 40sec Plate Cross Hold


B) E2MOM x 6 sets

6-8 Heavy Barbell Curl

Max Effort Db Hammer Curl (max 40sec)


C) Emom x 10min

20sec Flutter Kick

10sec Rest

20sec Plank Hold

10sec Rest


D) 5min AMRAP

Hanging L-Sit for Total Time



GoBeGreat Charity Workout @ 930am AND Vickery Pool Party at 1pm

Pool Party Details in Email via RSVP Invitation.

"The Catcher" in Honor of Brock

9 Rounds w/ a Partner

27 Wall Balls

13 Burpees

120m Med Ball Run

The meaning of the Workout. Brock was a catcher and loved baseball.

9 Innings in a baseball game

Brock would of been 27 years old this year.

13 was his jersey number

120m around baseball bases



THIS SUNDAY: 6/16 - No Sunday Class (Post Pool Party and Fathers Day)

Upcoming Sundays

6/23 - Movement Therapy with Jess

6/30 - Cardio and Abs with Brie

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