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6/6/2021 - 6/13/2021

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Updated: Jun 6, 2021

Weekly Announcements

1) Go Be Great Charity Workout

June 12th @ 9:30am

- Normal class times combined in one 9:30am Class

- No cap on class, register on Pike 13 app

- No donation ncessary, VA/GBG merchandise will be available to purchase day of

- Anyone welcome!

-Read more about their Organization here

2) Pool Party at Jax's

June 12th @ 1pm

Facebook event below - PLEASE RSVP SO WE CAN GET A HEAD COUNT!

3) Sunday Skills this Week

Arm Day w/ Zach

Upcoming Sundays

June 20- Movement Therapy w/ Jess

June 27- Arm Day Round Two

Jul 4th- Cancelled



A) EMOM x 10min

Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row or AB

Min 2: 10 Hand Release T Push Ups


B) With a Partner*

10 Rounds for Time

15 Burpee Over Bar

9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)

6 Front Squats

*Alternating Rounds with a Partner (5 rounds each)

*20min Cap



A) 3 Rounds

10 Yoga Push Ups

10 Scap Pullups

10 Alternate Crab Reach Overs


B) 2min/side Banded Overhead Stretch


C) For Quality (65/45)

50 Strict Press

50 Bent Over Row

50 Close Grip Floor Press

50 Tall Kneeling Push Press

50 Clean Grip Hang High Pull

*25min Cap



A) 9min Emom

Min 1: 20 Alt Bottom of Squat Knee Taps

Min 2: 45sec Jumping Jax

Min 2: 6-8 Inchworms


B) Emom 10min

Min 1: 15 Abmat Sit Ups

Min 2:10/10 Side Plank Hip Taps


C) 23min Amrap

Partner 1: Run 400m

Partner 2: 20 KBS

20 Box Jump Step Downs



A) 23min to do 4 Sets

A1) 20 Plank Up downs

A2) 12 Db Supinated Curls @31x1

A3) 12 Bodyweight Tri Ext Variation

A4) 8-10 Chinups


B) With a Partner Each doing a full set


Weighted Anchored Situps

Plank Side Taps (can go together)



A) Every 1min and 10sec

Death by...

Min 1: Row or AB Cals

Min 2: Db Hang Snatch (split reps even btwn hands)

Workout is over when you can't get all your reps within the time limit.

1 Cal

2 Snatch

3 Cal

4 Snatch

5 Cal



SATURDAY (Important Changes!)

Go Be Great Charity Workout

- Normal class times combined in one 9:30am Class

- No cap on class, register on Pike 13 app

- No donation necessary, merchandise will be available to purchase on site

- Anyone welcome!

"The Catcher"

13 Rounds Split w/Partner

23 Wallballs

13 Burpees

120m Medball Run (switch carry halfway)

A workout in honor Brock Lynn Norton (1997-2013) and The Go Be Great Foundation created in his great memory.



Arm Day w/ Zach

This is included in your membership.

Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.

Upcoming Sundays

June 20- Movement Therapy w/ Jess

June 27- Arm Day Round Two

Jul 4th- Cancelled

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