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5/31/2022 - 6/5/2022

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Weekly Announcements

1) New Program Cycle Starting June 6th

As we come off Murph we will be starting the next 8 week programming cycle Monday June 6th. I will put out a YouTube and weekly breakdown as usually next weekend.

Enjoy this transition week of challenging but productive workouts

2) MARK YOUR CALENDERS: Vickery June Social - JUNE 18th

2nd Annual Go Be Great Charity Workout


Jax's Annual Vickery Pool Party

More details to come this week, but learn more about the GoBeGreat Foundation at their website.

3) June Specialty Sunday Schedule

This Sunday June 5th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess: Shoulders

-One hour with our all star coach/physical therapist going over shoulder mobility and stability.

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

June 12th: Arms w/ Zach

June 19th: Core/Abs w/ Stefan

June 26th: Snatch Lift Day (Tech and Lifting)

July 3rd: Cancelled for Holiday Weekend



A) Hip and Shoulder Murph Recovery


B) Light to Moderate Load

3 Rounds

30s Dual DB/KB Sumo Deadlift

10s REST

30s Dual Russian Swings

10s REST

30s Dual Clean from Floor

10s REST

30s Dual FR Rev Lunge



4 Sets in 20min

C1) 8-12 Barbell Glute bridge @30x1


C2) 10-12 DB/KB RDL @30x1


C3) 15-25 UB Suitcases




A) Groups of 3 (2 working at a time)

2 Rounds*

150/120 (50/40) Cal Echo Bike

1500/1350 (500/450) Meter Row

* One of the following must be held in order for one teammate to be getting cals/meters.

(Elbows n Toes, Top of Push Up, Side Planks, Bar Hang)

40min time cap



A) EMOM x 9min

Min 1: 10 Yoga Push Up to Ankle Grab

Min 2: 15 Slightly Leaned Plate Raises

Min 3: 20 Bench Y Raises


B) E2min for 20min

Min 0-2: 8-10/side Standing Farmers Hold Arnold Press

Min 2-4: 20 Controlled 90 Degrees Lateral Raises


C) 12min Amrap w/ a Partner

12/direction Partner Rotational WB Tosses

20 Push Ups



A) Front Squat in 16min


Building in weight finding a challenging BUT NOT MAX load


B) Bench Press in 16min


Building in weight finding a challenging load



30min Partner Amrap

30 Hang Power Snatch (135/95) > Demon Press (60/45)

30 Burpees

30 Pullups > Partner Pull Ups > RR



This Sunday June 5th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess: Shoulders

One hour with our all star coach/physical therapist going over shoulder mobility and stability.

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

June 12th: Arms w/ Zach

June 19th: Core/Abs w/ Stefan

June 26th: Snatch Lift Day (Tech and Lifting)

July 3rd: Cancelled for Holiday Weekend


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