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Writer's pictureZach Morman

5/20/2024 - 5/26/2024


1) Memorial Day Murph and Cookout

We will do Murph on Saturday morning and have BBQ/drinks for everyone to enjoy after. 

Saturday Schedule

8:30am - 9am: Warm Up/Workout Logistics

9am-10am: 60min Time Capped Murph

10am-11:30am-ish: Early BBQ Lunch and Drinks provided by gym.

Memorial Weekend Schedule

-Fri May 24th: Normal Classes

-Saturday May 25th - 8:30am ONLY - Memorial Day Murph - Sign up on Pike13 and Ignore waitlist! Friend and Fam Welcome

-Sun May 26th - No Specialty Class

-Mon May 27th - All classes cancelled EXCEPT Noon Mega Class.

2) Pride Shirt Pre Order

Below is a direct link to order some Vickery Pride Shirts! 

This is a pre order and no extra shirts will be ordered. 

Deadline for this pre order is SUNDAY May 26th!



A) Every 3:30 x 4 sets (14min)

10/leg Bulgarian Split Squat w db/kb

10-12 Strict Pullup with Pause at Top


4 Sets (14min)

B1) 10 Front Squats


B2) 10/arm Chainsaw Row



C) 3 Sets

4 Min Clock

400/350m Row

-in time left over complete as many rounds as

you can of the following

2 KB Split Clean Rt (53/35)

2 KB SA FR Forward Lunge Rt

2 KB SA Thruster Rt

REPEAT w/ Left Side

R2mins after each set



4 Sets

A1) 8-10 Deadlifts


A2) 5 reps/knee Half Kneeling Barbell Press



4 Sets

B1) 8/leg Barbell Split Stance RDL @3010


B2) 10 DB/KB Push Press @30X1



C) For Time


L-Sit Lift Overs (L+R = 1)

*30 Double Unders between Sets

Rest 2mins between


Toes to Bar > Toes to Rings > Quality Kipping Knee Raise

*6 Burpess between sets



A) Every 90 sec x 4 Sets

Min 0-1:30: 12 Bench Press

MIn 1:30 - 3:00: 12 DB/KB Bent Over Rows


B) Every 90 sec x 4 Sets

Min 0-1:30: 12 Strict Dips

MIn 1:30 - 3:00: 12-14 Supinated Grip Body Rows


C) 14mins Continuous Pace:

6 PC (135/95)

20sec Front Rack Hold

6 Kipping Pullup

6 Push Press (135/95)

20sec Front Rack Hold

100m Run



A) Every 90 sec x 4 Sets

Min 0-1:30 10 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift @3110

MIn 1:30 - 3:00: 16 Suitcase Long Step Walking Lunge


B) Every 90 sec x 4 Sets

Min 0-1:30: 10 Barbell Hip Bridge @20X2

MIn 1:30 - 3:00: 10 Goblet 1-1/4 Squat @2111


C) 12min EMOM

Min 1: 15 RKBS (70/53)

Min 2: 10 Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunge

to Step Up

Min 3: 20-30sec Dual KB Hollow Flutter Kicks



4 Sets

A1) 10/arm Tall Kneeling Filly Press


A2) 8-10 Seal Rows @3011


A3) 12 Supinated Seated Bicep Curl @ 3111



B) 3 Sets

20 Superman to Prisoners


20 DB or Plate Shoulder Lat Raise

20sec Crucifix Hold


15 Db Hammer Curl




MURPH - ONLY 8:30am Class! Please sign up on Pike 13 and ignore waitlist if you are on it!

1 Mile Run

100 Pullups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 Mile Run

60min Cap

We will have MANY scale options available. Finding a partner and doing this as partner murph is great idea as well. Come out and enjoy a tough workout with the community. Family and Friends are welcome. "\



THIS SUNDAY: 5/26 - No Speciality Class Due to Holiday Weekend

Upcoming Sundays

6/2 - Snatch Tech and Training w/ Zach

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