Reopening Tues May 19th
EVERY MEMBER has to visit the portion of our website below and watch the video if you wish to return to the gym Tuesday.
UPDATED WITH SIGN IN POLICY: Procedure Portion of the Website. Will be updated as we go.
Class Sign In Policy
-Classes must be signed up for IN ADVANCE via Pike13 (our back end system)
-You can sign up a week in advance. (Do NOT sign up past June 1)
-Sign via the Vickery website if you are on a computer
-OR download the "Pike13" App. (Both for Apple and Android)
- Classes will remain open until the are at our 14 person cap.
-Class cancellations must be done at least two hours beforehand or a $15.00 late cancellation fee will be charged.
-No shows will result in a $15.00 fee.
-Wait lists will be in place for all classes if full.
Cant make a class/it is full? OR you are choosing to stay home?
I have put at home versions of each days workouts below the gym workout.
No Workout
Will be streaming Gov Abbot address at 2pm on Twitch. This dictates if we will change any actions around Tuesday regarding opening.
Monday May 18th: 4:30pm - 6pm
*You can choose to keep your equipment kit if you do not feel safe or comfortable coming back to the gym.
*Deadline for equipment turn w/out communication to Zach is May 24th. You will be charged full price of equipment. (aka you don't answer me on why you missed a window of return time.
Parking Lot Warm Up
3 Rounds
10/side Elbow to Instep
20 Arm Circles each Directions
10 Boot Strappers
A) Emom x 10min
Strict Pullups > 2-3 Negatives > Ring Rows
B) 20min Amrap
20 Back Squats (bar starts on ground)
20 Burpee Over Bar
20 Alternating BW Reverse Lunge
At Home Version
A) Emom x 10min
Any Variation Row
*Steady number across all minutes
B) 20min Amrap
20 Goblet Squats
20 Burpee
20 Alternating BW Reverse Lunge
Parking Lot Warm Up
40 Party Bois
60sec Egyptian Arms
40 Good Morning
20 Jefferson Curls
A) 5 Building Sets
6 Strict Press + 8 Pushpress
*Bar Starts from ground
B) 4x12 @ 31x1
RDL w/ Barbell
C) 1-10-1
1 KBS, 1 big breaths
2 KBS, 2 big breaths
... etc
At Home Version
A) 5 Sets (can use single arm)
6 Strict Press + 8 Pushpress
B) 4x12 @ 31x1
RDL w/ weight
C) 1-10-1
1 Starjump, 1 big breaths
2 Starjump, 2 big breaths
... etc
Parking Lot Warm Up
30 per side Front to Back Leg Swings
30 per side Side to Side Leg Swings
20 Arm Circles each Directions
(Group A)
16min EMOM
Min 1: 8 Toes to Bar > Toes to Ring > 10 Suitcases
Min 2: 10-12 Burpees
(Group B)
16min Amrap
300m Row
50 Double Unders > Jumping Jacks
At Home Version
A) 16min Emom
Min 1: 14 Starfish Situps
Min 2: 10-12 Burpees
B) 2mile Jog
Parking Lot Warm Up
40 Party Bois
60sec Egyptian Arms
60sec per side Trice OH Stretch
A) Emom x 10min
Strict Pullups > 2-3 Negatives > Ring Rows
4 Sets @ 31x1
B1) 10-12 Seated Supinated DB/KB Curls
B2) 12-14 Plate Tricep Extensions
B3) 60sec Plank with Leg Lifts
At Home Version
A) Emom x 10min
Any Variation Row
*Steady number across all minutes
4 Sets @ 31x1
B1) 10-12 Seated Supinated DB/KB Curls
B2) 12-14 Plate Tricep Extensions
B3) 60sec Plank with Leg Lifts
Parking Lot Warm Up
10/side Elbow to Instep
20 Arm Circles each Directions
10 Boot Strappers
150 Wallballs for Time
At Home Version
150 Light weight Thursters for TIme
*less than 40lbs
Pre Registered Open Gym Slots
11am and 12pm