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Writer's pictureZach Morman

5/11/2020 - 5/17/2020

Updated: May 15, 2020

Important Gym Reopening Tues May 19th

MUST READ Announcements

Updated FRIDAY 5/15 @ 9:30pm

EVERY MEMBER has to visit the portion of our website below and watch the video if you wish to return to the gym Tuesday.

Procedure Portion of the Website. Will be updated as we go.

Class Procedure Video

1) Gym Reopen Tuesday May 19th w/ restrictions and special instructions.

2)This is the last week of Stream. Still check stream schedule

-FAQ and Programming Stream this SUNDAY at 1pm.


-Return Equipment to the gym.

*Cleaning onsite will be required.

Saturday May 16th: 12pm-2pm

Sunday May 17th: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Monday May 18th: 4:30pm - 6pm

*You can choose to keep your equipment kit if you do not feel safe or comfortable coming back to the gym.

*Deadline for equipment turn w/out communication to Zach is May 24th. You will be charged full price of equipment. (aka you don't answer me on why you missed a window of return time.

Important Health Standard Links



10am Coaching/Wod Stream

Warm Up

60sec per side Samson Stretch

60sec Pass Through

60sec per side Calf Stretch

60sec Upper Body Scorpiosn

60sec Lower Body Scorpions


800m Run

100 Rows or do 30- 50 Strict Pullups if possible

200 Pushups

300 Airsquats

800m Run

Can split up reps any way.



STREAM DELAY: Waiting for the driveway to be not underwater, then heading out to stream and workout at some point today.

*Notes* Really straight forward workout. If you are doing a single arm push press do 6/6 per side so 12 total... if you are doing both arms at once stick to 10reps. All this should be fast during your three minutes.

Not suppose to be able to maintain pace. If you can you went too slow.

Warm Up

20 Boot Strapper

20 Down to Up Dog

60s Hold Overhead with Shoulder Shrugs

50 Russian Twist

20 RDL


5 Sets

3min Amrap

10 Plate to Overhead

10 Pushpress

10cal on Machine or 15 Starjumps

Rest 3min



10am Coaching/Wod Stream

Warm Up

2 Sets

60sec Suitcased Leg Circles Right

Rest 30s

60sec Suitcased Leg Circles Left

Rest 30s

60sec Bicycle Crunches

Rest 30s

60sec Plank w/ Leg Lifts

Rest 30s

60sec Scissor Kick

Rest 30s

60sec Starfihs Crunch

Rest 30s

60sec Russian Twist

Rest as needed in between


35-30-20-10 (all reps each side)

Single Arm Bicep Curl (all reps each side)

Leaned over Lateral Side Raise



10am Coaching/Wod Stream

Warm Up

Go out and enjoy your last days before the world opens up again. Try to beat your steps from last week!


Walk 12,000 -15,000 Steps total today... try walk it mostly at once... set some time aside for this.



10am Coaching/Wod Stream

Warm Up

2min per side Pigeon Stretch

60s Weak Cat Stgrong Cat

60sec Front to Back Leg Swings

60sec Side to Side

60sec Arm Circles

60sec Self Hugs


A) 8min EMOM

Min 1: 12 Burpees

Min 2: 25 Double Unders


B) 8min EMOM

20 Star Jumps


C) 8min Emom

5-7 Plate Bear Complex*

*Clean to Thruster to Back Sqaut to Pushpress



10am Coaching/Wod Stream

Warm Up

Get all your Equipment together


-Return Equipment to the gym.

Saturday May 16th: 12pm-2pm

Sunday May 17th: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Monday May 18th: 4:30pm - 6pm

*You can choose to keep your equipment kit if you do not feel safe or comfortable coming back to the gym.



LIVE Gym Town Hall

1:00pm Live Stream with Zach to discuss further opening details and questions

Sunday May 17th: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Monday May 18th: 4:30pm - 6pm


(Approx who knows...)


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