Weekly Announcements
1) Spring/8 Year Anniversary Apparel
LINK HERE >>>>>> bit.ly/vickeryathletics

2) Upcoming Social Event: Murph and BBQ
Memorial Day Weekend we will be doing Murph on Sunday (closed Monday) and will follow it up with some drinks, burgers, and dogs. Details to come!
A) Emom x 10 min
Min 1: 10/leg Landmine Reverse Lunge
Min 2: 6 Superman to Prisoner + Primal Shoot Throughs
B) Emom x 10min
Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups
C) Every 3min x 5 Sets (15min)
8/side Landmine Split Squat
6 AHAP Vertical Jumps from Full Squat
D) 14min Amrap
15 Land Mine Goblet Sit Ups
10 Db/Kb Thrusters (~50/35)
A) Every 3min for 4 Sets (12min)
13/10 Cal Echo Bike
10 Yoga Push Up to Ankle Grab
B) Every 4min x 4 Sets (16min)
10-12/side SA DB HG BP
10-12/side SL Split Stance Bbell RDL
C) 15min Amrap
10 Power Clean (135/95)
20 Toes to bar
A) E2min x 44min
Min 0-2: 18/14 cal Echo Bike (90sec cap)
Min 2-4: 18/14 Cal Row (90sec cap)
A) Tabata Ab Circuit (17min total)
2min per Couplet
20sec Work/10sec Rest
-L Sit Up (wtd if needed)
-Side Hip Tap Left
-Flutter Kicks
Side Tap Right
-Bicycle Crunch
-Windshield Wipers
- Reverse Crunch
-Russian Twist
-Spiderman Planks
-Superman Back Extensions
- X Crunches
-Deadbug Hold
-Reverse Plank Hold
-Sit ups
*Last Plank AMRAP
Every 3:30 for 4 Sets (14min)
10/arm Filly Kneeling LM Press
14 Alternating Kb Hip to Halo
C) E4min x 3 Sets (12min)
5 Triple Push Up Burpees
10 Curl To Press
35 DU
A) Every 3min x 2 Sets (6min)
20 Bodyweight Hip Bridge (every 5 reps hold for 10sec at the top)
10 Low Switch Cossack Squats (5/leg) @very slow pace
B) Every 3:45 x 4 Sets= (15min)
12/side DB Assisted SL Box Sq @ 3011
20 Hvy Russian KBS
C) Every 3:45 x 4 Sets= (15min)
8 Front Squats @2011
200m Run
D) 3 sets @ tough effort
15 Frog Stance KB DL
20 BW Jump Lunges
15/12cal Echo Bike (1min cap)
R2min between sets
EMOM x 40min
Min 1: 10/8 Echo Bike Cals
Min 2: 15 Slam Balls
Min 3: 10 Burpees
Min 4: 12/10 Cal Row
Min 5: Rest
This Sunday May 1st: Aerobic Conditioning with Brie
*Long low intensity cardio session
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
May 8th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess (Knees)
May 15th: Arm Day w/ Stefan
May 22nd: Abs/Core w/ Brie
May 29th: No Specialty Class. We will do Murph on Memorial Day Weekend Sunday