Weekly Announcements
1) New Programming Cycle Feb 1- April 1 Below is a look at your week. Monday being "Day 1" and Sunday being "Day 7"
If you would like to discuss details, please bring a black coffee to my office on a scheduled time. I'd love to explain more and answer all questions.
2) Sunday Specialty Class this Week 11am Skills Class with John: Olympic Lifting - The Snatch
3) We will be doing the CrossFit Open Intramural Style in March - Details to come We will also being hanging up the Purple Teams Banner this week.
A) EMOM x 8min
Min 1: 8-10 Yoga Push Up
Min 2: 16 Star Jumps
4 Sets in 14min
B1) 20 Alternating Heavy Top Down DB Strict Press
B2) 10 Single Arm Biased Strict Pullups > Strict Pullups > 8 Negative Pullups > 12 SA Biased Barbell Pullups
C) 4 Sets
250/200m Row (1min Cap)
30sec Max Burpee
A) 3 Sets
14 90/90 Hip Rotations
90sec of 20sec Plank to Spiderman Lunges
15/side Clam Shell Side Planks
20sec of Hanging Knee Raise Hold
B) 5 Sets in 21min
10 per leg Front Rack Bulg Split Squat
10-15sec Chin Up Hold
8 Strict K2E
C) Emom x 6min
16 Unbroken Walking Lunges*
*Weight held at sides if possible
A) 3 rounds
60sec Burpees
60sec Jumping Jax
60sec Bottom of the Squat
60sec Rest
B) Emom x 20min
Min 1: 3 small to tall vertical jumps
Min 2: 1 rep of 4sec pull to hang into a Hang Power Clean*
*Fast Explosive Reps. Build weight if speed and tech are there.
C) Kettlebell Clean Tech
Emom x 8min
1st: 4/side KB Full Clean
2nd: 10 UB Sumo KB Squat Jumps
A) 9min Amrap
10/side Side Plank Wtd Rotations
10 Alternating Primal Shoot Through
10 Scap Pushups on Forearms
5 Sets in 20min
B1) 13-15 DB Bench Press @31x1
B2) 12/side Kb Horn Curls @2011
B2) 15/side Banded Tricep Kick Backs
C) 3 RFT *
14 Alternating KB Hip to Halo
*same weight
A) Amrap 12min
2 TGU Right
12/10 Cal AB
2 TGU Left
12/10 Cal AB
B) Amrap 12min
15 TGU Situps Right
5 Strict Pullups
15 TGU Situps Left
5 Strict Pullups
C) Emom x 12min
Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row
Min 2: 8-10 Rower Pikes > Knee Tucks
Emom x 32min
Min 1: 100m Run
Min 2: 10 Burpees
Min 3: 12 Wallballs > Goblet Squat
Min 4: 16 Tall Plank Hip Taps > 8/side Side plank Hip Taps
This Sunday Coach John is going to instruct a class on the Olympic weight lifting movement the Snatch. We don't do a ton of these in class, this is great opportunity to fine tune or simply begin to understand the movement on a deeper level. We recommend beginner to average lifters attend this.
This is included in your membership.
Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.
Upcoming Sundays
Feb 14th @ 11am: Olympic Lifting Basics: The Clean w/ John
Feb 21st @ 11am: Shoulder Movement and Mobility w. Jess
Feb 28th @ 11am: Kipping with Meg