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Writer's pictureZach Morman

11/8/2021 - 11/14/2021

Updated: Nov 9, 2021

Weekly Announcements UPDATED


THIS WEEKEND! Social Event:

Thanksgiving Potluck and Gym Day Party

Check Fb and Email for reason it is cancelled. Thanks and sorry!

2) Sunday Specialty Class

Nov 14th- Arm Pump Day w/ Zach

Upcoming Sundays

Nov 21st- Kipping Skill Work w/ Zach

Nov 28th- Cancelled for Thanksgiving Holiday



5 Sets in 17min

A1) Bench press 8 Reps

Immediately into...

A2) Amrap (-1) Dynamic Plate Push Ups



3 Sets in 12min

B1) 10 DB Fly On a Bench @4211

Immediately into...

B2) 8-20 Max Toes to Bar > toes to ring > hanging knee raise hold

*Rest with whatever time you can to get all 4 sets in


E2MOM x 18min

Min 1: 18/14cal AB

Min 2: 20/15 cal Row

Min 3 :15 Burpees



A) 15min to Perform

5x8-10/Side Bulg Split Squat*

*4 Hard Working Sets


B) 5 Sets in 12min

10 Side Lying Db/Plate External Rotations

12 Wtd Superman to Prisoners


C) 10min EMOM

Min 1: 20 UB Wallballs

Min 2: 30sec Forearm Plank


D) 5x12/Side Deficit Curtsy Squat w Goblet Hold



A) 5x12/side in 12min

Single Arm Ring Row (slow controlled)


B) 1-10

Chin Up

KB Upright Row

15min Cap


C) 4x12 in 10min @ 3010

Std DB Supinated Curl


D) 2 Sets Max Effort Hold

~65/45lb DB/KB

R1 min btwn attempts

5min Max*



A) 4 Sets

20s Hanging Right Leg Hold


20s Hanging Left Leg Hold

20s Rest


B) 5x10/side Front to Back Fire Hydrants


C) 15 sets in teams of 3

10 Hi Hang Power Snatch (95/65)

25/20 Cal AB

*5 Rounds per team member

*Each person completes entire round before next person can start


*A person starts every 2min



4 sets

A1) 10 KB on Back Good Morning

A2) 10 Hamstring Walk in/out

A3) 10/Side Unweighted Cossack Squat


B) 5x10 Bbell RDL out of Rack


C) 4x8/side HVY Goblet Hold Drop Lunge


D) Amrap 12min w a Partner

20 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps

*switch every 20



A) DB/KB Strict Press

5 working sets of 7 Reps


B) EMOM x 10min:

Pull Ups > 35s of Neg Pull Ups > 35s Barbell Pull Ups


C) 6 Sets

400m Run

Rest 1:1



Nov 14th- Arm Pump Day w/ Zach

Upcoming Sundays

Nov 21st- Kipping Skill Work w/ Zach

Nov 28th- Cancelled for Thanksgiving Holiday


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