1) Vickery Thanksgiving Potluck
When:? Saturday November 18th
Time? 1:00pm Where? Vickery Athletics What? Come hang out at the gym and bring your favorite thanksgiving dish, side, dessert, or specialty drink. Make or buy it! We will hang out at the gym and play some party games. Vickery willl proivide additional beverages,
A) EMOM x 5min
10 scap pullups
10 scap pushups
10 Yoga Push Ups
B) 5 Sets in 20min
10 Incline DB HG BP @3011
100m Hvy KB FC
C) 15min AMRAP at a steady pace switching with a partner.
P1: 10 Box Def Push Up > Regular Pushups > Inclined Push Ups
P2: 16/13 Cal Row or 14/11 Cal Echo
A) E2mom x 4 sets
30sec Dead Bug Hold
30sec Superman Hold
14 Db Reverse Lunge
5 Squat Jumps
B) In 20min Perform the Following...
5 Sets
10 Thrusters
Right into...
18 Jumping Lunges
C) 12min Amrap
20s L-Hang
20 Straight Leg Situps
A) 5 Sets in 10min
1,2,3,4,5 Strict Pullup Ladder
B) E4MOM x 4 Sets
8 Bentover Barbell Row
12 Supinated Barbell Body Row
D) With Partner
200 Total Empty Barbell Curls (20 UB at a time)
200 Tricep Kick Backs (10/side UB at a time)
A) 8 Rounds for Total Time*
*alternating rounds w a partner (4 each)
12 Dual Kb DeadLifts
15 Burpees
50 Double Unders
B) 8 Rounds for Total Time*
*alternating rounds w a partner (4 each)
10 DB PC
30 Mountain Climbers (R/L = 2)
10 Lateral PVC Jump Overs (24/20)
A) E3MOM x 15
12-15 BB glute bridge
*All sets heavy
10-15 UB T2B
B) 5 Sets
B1) 10-12/side KickStand RDL
B2) 10-15 Anchored Wtd Situps
B3) 60/side Side Plank
No Rest, Back to B1
A) 5x10 Barbell Strict Press
B) Karen
150 Wallballs for Time (20/14)
This Nov 12th: Arms w/ Stefan
Upcoming Sundays
Nov 19th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess
Mov 26th: Cancelled for Thanksgiving