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Writer's pictureZach Morman

11/28/2022 - 12/4/2022

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Weekly Announcements

1) Vickery Christmas Party: Save the Date Dec 10th @ 6pm

.We will be starting our Christmas Party Adventures at Black Friar LAKEWOOD! We will aim to take over their upstairs area... ATTIRE: Come in Holiday attire if you want. We will be wearing our favorite sweater for the season.

WHEN: Sat Dec 10th starting @ 6pm

WHERE: BLACKFRIAR LAKEWOOD 6341 La Vista Dr, Dallas, TX 75214

WHAT: Vickery Limited Bar Tab

WHO: Significant Others and Family are welcome.

Please invite anyone I've missed or you would like to come.

Hope to see y'all there. Questions, text Zach 469-734-3343


2) Christmas Angel Tree for Spence Middle School

We will be getting our list of kids names this week and they will be due Dec 18th. Will email more info ASAP. Waiting on school for this

3) Programming 11/28/22 to 1/15/23

We will be entering a period of "Transition" Programming before diving into the start of the year. It will be fun and sweat workouts with structure but no HUGE progression week to week. As we start into the New Year this program will take a bit more shape ramping into the start of the year. Please feel free to text me with any questions and enjoy the next month and a half.



A) 9-15-21

Back Squat (185/135)


*8min Time Cap


B) 21-15-9

OHS (115/85)

Toes to Bar

*8min Time Cap


C) For Time

50/40 Cal Row

100 Walking Lunge w 50/35# Goblet Hold

*15min Time Cap



A) For Time

Bench Press





B) 10 Sets w/ a Partner (Each do 5 sets)

1:45 Row for Max Meters

Trans 15s

*Reset Monitor

*Rest while Partner is going

*Increase intensity per interval



A) 100/88 Echo Bike Cals for Time

5min Cap


B) Every 3:30s x 4sets

10/arm Tripod Row

15 DB Chest Fly


C) Every 3:30s x 4 sets

12 Chin Ups

12 Supinated Bent Over Rows



A) 15min to Build to a Challenging Power Clean


B) 21min Emom

Min 1: 100m Run

Min 2: 25/25 Sec L/R Plank

Min 3: 3 Challenging Power Cleans


C) 50 Push Up to Ground to OH w/ Plate

* 9min Cap



Emom x10min

Strict Pullups > Light Banded > Negatives

Every 1:15 x 18 Sets

1: 12 /10 Cal AB

2: 16 Box Jump Step Down

3: 12/10 Cal Row



A) In 15min Perform the Following

1x20 Strict Press

1x12 Strict Press

4x6 Push Press


B) Emom x 30min

Station 1: 100m Run

Station 2: 15 Situps

Station 3: 16/13 AB Calories

Station 4: 40sec of Russian Twists

Station 5: 12 Goblet Squats



THIS SUNDAY 12/4- Movement Therapy w/ Jess (Knee Stability)

Upcoming Sundays



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