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Writer's pictureZach Morman

11/22/2021 - 11/28/2021

Weekly Announcements


Mon, Wed, and Fri we will have a 7:45am Class Time starting Dec 1.

2) Thanksgiving Schedule

Mon 22nd and Tues 23rd: Normal Class Schedule

Wed 24th: ONLY 9:30am class. All other classes cancelled

Thurs 25th (Thxgiving Day): ONLY 8:30am Group Class. All other classes cancelled

Fri 26th: ONLY 12pm Class. All other classes cancelled

Sat 27th: ONLY 9:30am Class. All other classes cancelled

Sun 28th: No specialty class

3) Sunday Specialty Class

Nov 28th- Cancelled for Thanksgiving Holiday

Upcoming Sundays

Dec 5th: Handstand Skill Work w/ Brie

Dec 12th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess (Shoulders)

Dec 19th: Arm Day w/ Zach

Dec 26th: Cancelled for Xmas Holiday



Mon 22nd: Normal Class Schedule

22min to Finish A+B

A) 4x10 Bench Bench Press @3010


B) 4x10 Incline Bench Press @3010 (2 reds)


C) EMOM x 10min

Min 1: 12-15 DB OH Tri Ext

Min 2: 16-20 Suticases


D)14min AMRAP for Max Cals

Alt Rounds w/ partner

30sec Row

5 Burpee Over Rower



Tues 23rd: Normal Class Schedule

4 Sets

A1) Duck Walk Down

A2) Crab Walk Back + 10 Crab Hip Bridge


B) 15min to Perform

5x6-8/side Bulg Split Squat*

*4 Hard Working Setst

(go heavy and rest 20-30s bertween legs)


4 Sets

C) 10 KB/DB RDL @3111


4 Sets (15min)

D1) 25 Reverse Sit Up

D2) 25 Wtd Sit Ups



Wed 24th: ONLY 9:30am class. All other classes cancelled

A) 5x10/arm DB/KB Tripod Row



B) 5 Rounds for Quality in 16min

10 Cuban Barbell Press

5-7 Negative Pullups > Negative Bbell Pullup


C) 5 RFT

200m Run

12 Curl to press

20 Burpees



Thurs 25th (Thxgiving Day): ONLY 8:30am Group Class. All other classes cancelled

A) 10 Rounds with a Partner

20 T2b > T2R> Knee Raises

30 Hang Power Clean (135/95) > scale to db

40cal Row or AB

*Split work evenly



Fri 26th: ONLY 12pm Class. All other classes cancelled

A) 5 Sets

45 Sec Superman Hold

45 Sec Dead Bug Hold


B) 3x20 Barbell Hip Bridge


C) 3x20 UB DL


D) 12min Emom

12 Goblet Squat



Sat 27th: ONLY 9:30am Class. All other classes cancelled

A) Strict Press

5 working sets of 5 Reps



B) 4 Rounds for Time

250/225m Row

20 DB Push Press

50 Double-Unders

100 meter Run

5 Burpees


Sunday Specialty Class

Nov 28th- Cancelled for Thanksgiving Holiday

Upcoming Sundays

Dec 5th: Handstand Skill Work w/ Brie

Dec 12th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess (Shoulders)

Dec 19th: Arm Day w/ Zach

Dec 26th: Cancelled for Xmas Holiday


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