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Writer's pictureZach Morman

11/14/2022 - 11/20/2022

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Weekly Announcements

1) Vickery Christmas Party: Save the Date Dec 10th

More info soon

2) Thanksgiving Hours

Wed Nov 23rd: 12pm ONLY

Thurs Nov 24th: Closed

Fri Nov 25th: 12pm ONLY

Sat Nov 26th: 9:30am ONLY

Sun Nov 27th: Closed



A) 4 Sets

10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

14 Box Jump

25/20 Cal Row



B) 10-1 DB Hang Snatch/per arm (50/35)

1-10 Burpees Over DB

15min Cap



A) E4MOM x 4 sets

10sec Chin Up Hold

10/side Front Foot Elevated Knee Over Toe Split

10 Bent Over Supinated Row


B) E3MOM x 10 Sets

8 BackSquat @2011 (focus on 1 second at the top)

8 Pull Up (No dropping)



A) 6min AMRAP

8/side Thread the Needles

10 Db Curls

12 Alternating Low Cossack Squats

Right into..

B) Emom x 8min

Min 1: 12 Body Weight Tricep Ext

Min 2: 20 total Skater Jumps

Right into..

C) Emom x 6min

20sec Crab Hold


20sec Hollow Body


Right into...

D) Emom x 12min

MIn 1: 14 LM Windhsield Wipers

Min 2: 8/side Hammer Curl

Min 3: 20second per side Side Plank

Right Into...

E) EMOM x 8min

MIn 1: 2-3 Wall Walks

Min 2: 12 180 Jumping Squats

Right Into...

F) Emom x 6min

20sec Crab Hold


20sec Hollow Body




A) E4MOM x 4 sets

5 Nordic Curl

10/side Side Lean Lateral Raise

10 Upside Down KB Front Ri


B) E3MOM x 10 Sets

8 Deadlift @ 30X1

10 DB HG BP @30x1



8 Sets

20s Hanging L Sit

20S Rest


8 Sets

10/arm DB Hang Snatch

15 Pushups

10 T2B

15 Cal Row



A) E5min x 7 Sets

Finish in any Order

10 Pullups > 12 Barbell Pull Ups

15/12 cal Row/AB or 300m Run

25 Air Squats



This Sunday Nov 20th: Toes to Bar Technique w/ Bill

Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule

Nov 27th: CLOSED Thanksgiving


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