Weekly Announcements
1) 3 More Weeks of this Program Cycle
A) 2 RFT in 10min (0-10min)
500/450m Row or 32/26 Cal Echo
50 KBS
R2min (10-12min)
B) 10min to Complete (12-22min)
100 Toes to Bar
4 Burpees on Each Min
*do not start or finish w/ Burpees
R2min (22-24min)
C) 11min of Tabata Abs (24-35min)
Russian Twists (8 Rounds = 4min)
Flutter Kicks (4 Rounds = 2min)
Sit Ups (4 Rounds = 2min)
50 Reverse Situps (time remaining)
A) 4 Rounds
45sec/side Front Rack Split Squat Hold
12 Spanish Sq @30x2
B) E3MOM x 10 Sets
10 BackSquat @2011 (focus on 1 second at the top)
8 Pull Up (No dropping)
A) EMOM x 36min (6 rounds)
Min 1: 100m Run
Min 2: 45sec Bodyweight Tricep Row
Min 3: 1min of Single Unders
Min 4: 45sec Ring Curl
Min 5: 14/11 Cal AB
Min 6: 45sec T Kn. Hip to Halo
A) 5min AMRAP
8/Leg Split Stance RDL
20 90 Degree Lateral Raises
5min AMRAP
10 Air Squat
10 Leaned over Reverse Fly
B) E3MOM x 10 Sets
8 Deadlift @ 30X1
10 DB HG BP @30x1
A) Every 1:20 for 30 Sets (40min)
Build to Moderately Heavy Snatch
*No Max
** If you fail you need to drop @least 10lbs and rebuild
TECH: Decrease Weight > Power Snatch > Hang Power Snatch
A) 10min AMRAP
400m Run
20 Plate to OH
B) 10min AMRAP
15 Supinated Body Rows
50 Double unders > 50 JJ
C) 10min AMRAP
12/10 Cal Row on 10/9 Damper
20 Primal Shoot Throughs
This Sunday Nov 6th: Movement Therapy w/ Jess: Overhead Stability and Mobility
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
Nov 13th: Arm Day w/ Stefan
Nov 20th: Toes to Bar Technique w/ Bill
Nov 27th: CLOSED Thanksgiving