Weekly Announcements
1) Vickery Halloween Costume Party - Friday October 28th
LOCATION: @ the Gym
8:00pm start
Drinks Provided
Costumes 100% Encouraged
A) 15min AMRAP
20 Total Standing LM Rotations
50 DU
50 Wallball Chest Pass
B) 25min AMRAP w/ a Partner
Alternating Rounds
300/250m row
10 HR Push Ups
10 No Push Up Burpee Over Row
A) 4 Rounds
45sec/side Jefferson Split Squat Hold
12 Supinated DB Curls @3011
B) E3MOM x 10 Sets
10 BackSquat @2011 (focus on 1 second at the top)
10 Pull Up (No dropping)
A) Emom x 40min
Min 1: 13/10 Cal Echo
Min 2: 40sec of Anchored Weighted Sit Ups
Min 3: 8-12 Bodyweight Tricep Extensions
Min 4: 50sec any plank
A) 5 Rounds
10 DB Front Raises
10/side External Rotations
12 Banded Good Mornings
B) E3MOM x 10 Sets
11 Deadlift @ 30X1
12 DB HG BP @30x1
A) 25min Running Clock
10 Body Rows
10 DB Strict Press
300m Run
B) Every 3min for 4 Sets
20sec Echo Sprint @100% for Max Cals
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
Teams of 3
30 Box Jump Step Down
30 Cal Row
30 Suitcases
Every 5 minutes Teams do 10 No Push up Burpees together Starting at 0:00
This Sunday Oct 23rd: Movement Therapy w/ Jess: Hamstring Mobility and Function
Upcoming Sunday Specialty Class Schedule
Oct 30th: Cardio and Abs