Weekly Announcements
1) Be on the look out for Announcements regarding Intramural Opens coming up in Feb.
A) EMOM x 8min
Min 1: 10 Scap Pullups in 35sec
Min 2: 10 Burpees
B) E2MOM x 20min
5 Strict Pullups
5 Strict Chin Ups
10 Box Dips
C) EMOM x 14min
Min 1: 10 Hang Power Cleans
Min 2: 12 Push Ups
A) 5 Rounds in 14min
Duck Walk Down
Crab Walk Back
15 Wallballs
B) In 15min Perform following sets of Back Squat
2-3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building Back Squat
3x10 Working Back Squat *
Resting ~2min between working sets
*Look at your numbers from last week and increase 5-7% if you successfully lifted your previous weight.
**If you have not done this in the first 2 weeks, simply start this week like it was the beginning. Go back to 1/11 and read that Tuesday programming
***This could be the week where you get stuck at a number. That is ok! If you can't make one of your sets at your previous weight then just hold there and continue on at that weight next week.
C) 3 Rounds for Time
40 Total Primal Shoot Throughs
100 DU > Ball Jumps
A) 5 Rounds for Quality in 15min
8/side LM 1/2 Kneeling Strict Press
8/side Tall Kneeling Plate Halos
B) 30min EMOM
EMOM x 5min
16/13 Cal Row or AB
EMOM x 5min
20-30sec Flutter Kick
EMOM x 5min
8 Burpee Box Jump
EMOM x 5min
20-30sec Deadbug Hold
EMOM x 5min
16/13 Cal Row or AB
EMOM x 5min
20-30sec Hanging Knee Raise Hold
A) 1600m Run
60 DB Frog Stance DL
40 Toes to Bar
800m Run
30 DB Frog Stance DL
30 Toes to Bar
400m Run
15 DB Frog Stance DL
15 Toes to Bar
A) 15min AMRAP
20 PVC Pass Throughs
20 Up to Down Dog Opposite Ankle Grab
20 DB Push Press
B) In 15min Perform following sets of Push Press
2 to 3 sets of 10 Warm Up/Building
3x10 Working Push Press *
*Look at your numbers from last week and increase 5-7% if you successfully lifted your previous weight.
**If you have not done this in the first 2 weeks, simply start this week like it was the beginning. Go back to 1/11 and read that Tuesday programming
***This could be the week where you get stuck at a number. That is ok! If you can't make one of your sets at your previous weight then just hold there and continue on at that weight next week.
C) 10min AMRAP
15 Plate Hang to Overhead
8/6 Cal AB
A) For time
800m Run
Rest 4min
800m Run
800/700m Row
Rest Double Work
800/700m Row
3min of Abmat Situps
3min of Abmat Situps
Jan 30th - Conditioning w/ Lara
Upcoming Sundays
TBA for Feb