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Writer's pictureZach Morman

4/29/2024 - 5/5/2024

Updated: Apr 30


1) Upcoming Vickery Socials

June 15th : Jax's Vickery Summr Pool Party

July 20th(ish): 10 year Party

Question? Would anyone want me to organize a Vickery Pickle Ball Tournament as a social event. We tried last year but I thought $30 per team would be a bit expensive to get courts on a weekend. Text me if you feel passionate about this social event.



A) E2MOM x 4 Sets

Min 0-2: 20 Alternating Front Rack Drop Lunge

Min 2-4: 10 Chin Ups @ 2111

Scale Progression: Unbroken w/ tempo > UB no tempo > 5-7 UB > 7-10 Banded



B) E2MOM x 3 Sets

Min 0-2: 10 Heavy Goblet Sq w/ Sqaut Band @3111

Min 2-4: 12 Pronated to Supinated DB/KB Bent Over Rows


C) 14min Amrap

6 Medball Cleans

10 Burpees

14 Medball Walking Lunge



A) E2MOM x 4 Sets

Min 0-2: 10-12 Snatch Grip RDL @ 3111

Min 2-4: 8-10 DB Z Press @3021


B) 4 Sets in 10min

10/leg Bulg Split Squat w/ hvy suitcase hold

R~60s after both legs


C) 18 min Amrap

1-2-3-4-5-6 ...

Bench press

Push Ups

L Sit DB Lift Overs (R and L = 1)

*1 TGU Each Arm btwn Sets



A) E2MOM x 3 Sets

Min 0-2: 10-12 Diamond Push Ups @31X0

Min 2-4: 10 Single Arm DB Tripod Row @20X2


B) E2MOM x 3 Sets

Min 0-2 12/arm Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press @31X0

Min 2-4: 10 Lean Away Strict Ring Pull Up @40X0


C) 5 Rounds

20sec per side Single Arm Plank

12 Pronated Body Rows

12 Dual DB OH Tri Ext



E2MOM x 4 Sets

Min 0-2: 12 Frog Stance DL @31x1

Min 2-4: 10/leg KB/DB Front Rack Deficit Split Squats @ 2110

Min 4-6: 16-20 Alternating Goblet Cossack Sq



B) Every 10min x 2 Sets

250/225m Row

12 DB Fr Sq (50/35)

12 Demon Press Press

12 DB Fr Sq

200m Run

*DB all the same weight



A) E2MOM x 3 Sets

Min 0-2: 10/arm Farmers Press @20x1

Min 2-4: Max Effort Set of Weighted Pushups

Min 4-6: 20 Alternating Supinated DB Curls @30x1


B) 6 Sets (3 each) Alternating w/ a Partner

100m Run

10 Alt KB Gorllia Rows (70/53)

10 Dual KB Sumo DL (70/53)

100m Run


C) 3 RFT

60 Bicycle Crunch

12/side Tricep Kickbacks



With a partner for time:

550m Farmer's carry

100 Wall Balls

100 Burpees

100 Star Jumps

550m Run



THIS SUNDAY: 5/5 - FULL BODY Movement Therapy w/ Jess

Upcoming Sundays

5/12 -Abs and Cardio w/ Brie

5/19 - Arms w/ Stefan

5/26 - Butt and Abs w/ Autumn

6/2 - Snatch Tech and Training w/ Zach

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