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5/30/2023 - 6/4/2023

Updated: Jun 1, 2023


1) Make sure to check your emails for an entire summer gym dates and schedule.

2) New Program Cycle starting Monday 6/5/2023

  • This is week is a transition week of programming

3) Pre Order shirts and tanks should be in June 7/8. You can pick up your order when they come in.



5 Sets

A1) 10-12 Bench Press

A2) 5-10 Chin Ups > 3-5 Negatives


5 Sets @3010

B1)10 Ring Standing Curls

B2) 10 DB Skull Crusher


EMOM x 10min

12 Weight Plate Turkish Sit Ups



35min Amrap

400m Run

500/450m Row

30/22 Cal Echo

40/per arm DB Hang Snatch (50/35)



A) 10, 8, 5x5 Back Sqaut @ 3010

R3min btwn 5's


5x10/side Bulg Split Squat


B) E4min x 6 sets (28min)

10 Thrusters (95/65)

10 Burpee Over Box (24/20)

Score each round for speed



A) Emom x10min

Strict Pullups > Light Banded > Negatives

B) Every 1:15 x 18Sets

1: 15 /11 Cal Echo

2: 12 Burpees

3: 12/10 Cal Row



38min AMRAP

Groups of 3:

1500m Row

30 Burpee Over Rower

40 DB Strict Press

60 Air Squat

90 Situps



This Sunday 6/4: LOW BACK and HIPS Movement Therapy w/ Jess

Upcoming Sundays

6/11: Arms w/ Stefan

6/18: Snatch Lifting Session w/ Zach

6/25: No Class - Gym Closed for Continuing Education

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