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5/17/2021 - 5/23/2021

Writer's picture: Zach MormanZach Morman

Updated: May 20, 2021

Weekly Announcements

1) Memorial Day Murph

This year will be performing Murph as a gym Monday May 31st. All are welcome.


Arm Day with Zach

Back by unpopular demand comes another rip roaring arm day. Pump up the testosterone this week bc the day of doom for your biceps has befell this Sunday. Call in sick to Church because your about to devote your life, love, and faith to a Tricep Overlords. If you come to this class without taking a preworkout that would make a cardiologist cry, then you will be asked to leave. On a serious note. All lvls welcome.



A) Emom x 10 min

Min 1: 6-8/leg Landmine Reverse Lunge

Min 2: 8 Superman to Prisoner + Primal Shoot Throughs


B) Emom x 10min

4 UB Wtd Pullups > Pullups> Negative > Barbell Pullups


C) 5 Sets in 15min

5.5 Back Sqaut @ 3011

R15s @ rerack

R~75s between sets


D) 14min Amrap

15 Land Mine Goblet Sit Ups

10 Db/Kb Thrusters (~50/35)



A)3 Rounds in 9min

5/leg Assisted Cossack Lunge

10/side Suitcase Kb/DB DL

10/side Tall Kneeling Clean to Press to Windmill


B) 5 Sets in 17min*

*1 heavy warmup set + 4 working

2.2.2 Bench Press

*Rerack 15sec pause


*Same as last week.... but heavier


18min Amrap

10 Power Clean (155/105)

20 Toes to bar



A) Every 9min for 45min (5 sets)

2100m Row*

*Each Partner does 1050/1000m row before switching



A) Tabata Ab Circuit (17min total)

2min per Couplet

20sec Work/10sec Rest

-L Sit Up (wtd if needed)

-Side Hip Tap Left

-Flutter Kicks

Side Tap Right

-Bicycle Crunch

-Windshield Wipers

- Reverse Crunch

-Russian Twist


-Spiderman Planks


-Superman Back Extensions

- X Crunches

-Deadbug Hold

-Reverse Plank Hold

-Sit ups


*Last Plank AMRAP


4 Sets in 14min

B1) 10/arm Filly LM Press @ 2111


B2) 14 Alternating Kb Hip to Halo



C) E4min x 3 Sets

15/12 Cal Row

5 Triple Push Up Burpees

8 Hang Plate to OH



A) 3 Sets in 6min

20 Bodyweight Hip Bridge (every 5 reps hold for 10sec at the top)


10 Low Switch Cossack Squats (5/leg) @very slow tempo



4 Sets in 15min

B1) 12-15 DB Deficit Box Squats @21X0*


*Drive your knees out as hard and far as

you can

B2) 15 Banded DB Glute Bridge @20x0



4 Sets in 15min

C1) 8/leg Hand Supported SL DB RDL @2011


C2) 8/leg Landmine Zercher Curtsy Squat @20X0



D) 3 sets @ tough effort

15 Russian KBS (70/53)

20 BW Jump Lunges

18/15cal AB

R2min between sets



Partner Workout (45/25) (all runs together)

80 Partner Burpees (up and over)

40 Plate Thrusters

850m Run

80 Partner leg lifts

40 Toes to bar

600m Run

80 Box Jump Overs (30/24)

40 Plate Ground to Overhead

400m Run

80 Partner Plank Claps (R+L =1)

40 Zercher PLate Squats

200m Run

80 OH Hold Walking Lunge

40 Plate Walk Over Push Ups



Arm Day with Zach

Back by unpopular demand comes another rip roaring arm day. Pump up the testosterone this week bc the day of doom for your biceps has befell this Sunday. Call in sick to Church because your about to devote your life, love, and faith to a Tricep Overlords. If you come to this class without taking a preworkout that would make a cardiologist cry, then you will be asked to leave. On a serious note. All lvls welcome.

This is included in your membership.

Open Gym Members: This 11am session is not considered Prime Hours so please use your Open Gym as you see fit on Sunday.

Upcoming Sundays

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