Weekly Announcements
1) Last Week of This Program Cycle
Nothing special this week, no tests or anything. This cycle was all about volume (drop set days), aerobic and lots of full body movement. Next program cycle will focus in on getting strong, but staying lean as we head into harsh winter.
This Sunday Oct 24th- Arm Day w/ Stefan
Upcoming Sundays
Oct 31st- Cancelled Halloween
Nov 7- Movement Therapy w/ Jess
A) Emom x 15min
Min 1: 8/8 Kb Front Rack Reverse Lunge
Min 2: 10 Yoga Push Ups
Min 3: 12/10 Cal Row
B) Emom x 14min
Min 1: 10 Db/Kb Hammer Grip Strict Press
Min 2: 15 Ring Rows
C) 13min Amrap
200m Run
10 Strict Pull Ups > Mix Negatives and Strict > Mix Barbell and Negatives > 15 Barbells
A) 3 Round in 9min
10 Building Back Squat
10 PVC PT to OHS
10/side Thread the Needle
B) 3 Rounds Led by a Coach
Back Squat
~8 reps (+/- 2)
Drop Weight...
15+ reps
Drop Weight...
10 reps @ 3011
C) 3 Rounds Led by a Coach
Bench Press
~8 reps (+/- 2)
Drop Weight...
20+ reps
Drop Weight...
10 reps @ 3011
A) 13min Emom
9 Burpees*
45sec Cap
B) 13min Emom
30sec Row for Cal
30 Rest
Score= Total Cals
C) 13min Emom
30sec Ground to OH w/ Plate
30sec Rest
Score = Total reps
A) 14min AMRAP
10 Bent Over Reverse Fly w/ Plates
10 Curl To Press (db or kb)
5/5 Staggered Push Ups
B) 6 Sets
30sec No Push Up Burpee
...Right into...
2min AMRAP
8 Toes to Bar
6 HR T Pushups
...Right into...
30sec Mountain Climbers
R 90ec Between Sets
A) EMOM x 10min:
Pullups or Variation...
- Scapula Pullups
- Barbell Pullups
- 35s of Neg Pullups
- Strict Pullups
*Goal is to find a consistent number that you can perform
all 10min. Better to shoot for a easier scale than fail on min 6
B) 5 Rounds
20 Deadlift
20 OH Tricep DB Extension
60 DU
20min Time Cap
A) E2MOM x 32min
Min 0-2: 30sec of Renegade Rows
100m Run
Min 2-4: 15 Slamball
15-20 Box Jump
This Sunday Oct 24th- Arm Day w/ Stefan
Upcoming Sundays
Oct 31st- Cancelled Halloween
Nov 7- Movement Therapy w/ Jess