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Writer's pictureZach Morman

7/29/2024 - 8/4/2024


1) Last week of this program cycle.

We will be doing some capacity lifting tests based off your Heavy 2 and 3 reps you built to in the past couple weeks. If you missed those weeks, no big deal. Will still be tough.



A) EMOM x 8min

Min 1: 13/11 Cal Row

Min 2: 5/side Thread the Needle

5 Light Weight DB Thruster


B) 3 Sets in 18min

Back Squat AMRAP @ 75% of 7/22 or 7/15 (3's)

Rest 4min Btwn Sets


C) 4 Rounds Alternating w/ a Partner

1000/900m Row

*18min Cap

*No Rower Reset



A) 12min to Complete 4 Sets

8-12 Koji press

10 Front To Lateral Raise and Back


B) 3 Sets in 18min

Strict Press AMRAP @ 75% of 7/22 (2's)

Rest 4min Btwn Sets


C) Every 90s x 10 Sets (15min)

4 Strict Pullups

8 Push Ups

12 Reverse Lunge



A) 15min Building Power Snatch OR Full Snatch


B) Every 30s x 10min

Consistent Power Snatch


C) E4MOM x 4 Sets (for individual speed)

10 Hang Power Snatch

20/15 Cal Echo Sprint



A) 10-8-6-4 in 13min

Building Bench Press

*Followed by 500/450m Row


B) 3 Sets in 18min

Bench PressAMRAP @ 75% of 7/15 (2RM)

Rest 4min Btwn Sets


C) 20min Alternating w/ a Partner

24/20 Row or Echo* (22/17) for Echo

*50m walk in between each set and no sitting to rest.



A) 3 Rounds in 9min

10/side Hvy External Rotations

10 Slow Scap Chin Ups

21's Bbell Curl


4 Sets in 15min

B1) 10-12 Seated Hvy Hammer Curl @ 3111

B2) 12-15 Tall Kneeling OH Tricep Ext @3111


C) 18min AMRAP

10 Strict T2b

20 Alt Dead Bugs




A) 40 Rounds Alternating w/ a Partner

5 Wall Balls

3 Burpee Box Jumps

2 DB or KB Fr Sq (~65/~50)

*Every 5 minutes both run 200M (Starting at beginning)



THIS SUNDAY: 8/4 - Olympic Lifting w/ Zach (Snatch)

Upcoming Sundays


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